Chapter 1

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Today is just one of the many days in hell. I go through this everyday, people throw trash at me, telling me that's my family cause I'm trash.

Everyone hates me because my mom, Serena Kat, married the mayor of County Bay. My mom and I have always been without, with her being a single mom and all. But wait it doesn't end there. You know how every story has to have that one "mean" girl of the school?

Weeeeellllll. She just so happens to be my stepsister. I know right? Poor me. No one wants to talk to me for fear of my stepsister and because I'm a moody bitch. I'm like the bad girl of the school. I stay out late at night, smoke pot, drink alcohol, turn up late to class, skip school, and I ride a motorcycle.

Want to know what I've gathered over the years? People judge you by what they want you to be. My step sister calls me a slut, even though I'm a virgin and she's slept with half the school, girls too, and have sucked a few teachers off on the side.

Being the head cheerleader of the school and all, she has to keep up her appearance. So she wears slutty clothes and drive a Maserati Gran Turismo.

I'm not really into all that girly shit.
Especially since her car is hot pink! Ew! If I had something like that, it would be midnight blue or black, maybe gray.

I can't stand all those hot colors or light colors. They give me a headache.

As I look around, I see people mingling and others, well practically having sex on the lockers.

I just roll my eyes and walk to the football field. I already know what you're thinking. No. I'm not here to ogle guys or to hang out with anyone. Have I not mentioned I don't have friends? No? Well now you know.

Everyday, I sit under the bleachers to smoke. Ok, maybe I do come here to ogle, but it's only one guy.

Sadly, he's my stepsisters boyfriend.

I don't even know why he's dating her. From the few conversations I've had with him, he's been extremely nice. I just... can't imagine him with someone like her.

Not saying I'm any better ,but hey?! Sometimes you've gotta wish better for someone else.

I sit down in my regular spot and face towards the school, my back to the bleachers and field. Today though, something different happens. HE sits down next to me.

Noah Downing.

My step sister's boyfriend.

My first crush.

I sit there, acting nonchalant, acting as if he's not bothering me.

"You know you can get cancer smoking those things right?"

Yep you can guess who said that.

I turn my head towards his face and look into his beautiful sea colored eyes. Not the brown water that's in most seas but the clean blue water that's in places like Florida. I know, I know. I said I don't like light colors like that, but I'll make the exception for him.

"Yeah, so?", I say. I inhale deeply and keep staring into his eyes.

He sits there looking at me as if I'm a mystery, a puzzle to be solved.

He looks away and slides his fingers through his damp hair and lets out a deep breath. I also look away feeling uncomfortable and start to put out my cigarette.

He looks my way when I put it out and smirks.

Looking at the discarded cigarette, he asks me if I ever regretted it.

I look at him in question and ask, "Regretted what?"

"You know. Not telling Chris goodbye."

I look away and grab at the grass. I let out a shaky breath and say, "Yea, I wish I'd done it when I had the chance, the guts. I regret that the most in my life."

He nods his head as if agreeing and says, "Me too."

We sit there in silence until the bell rings, announcing school has started. He gets up and asks,

"Aren't you coming?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

He looks at me briefly before walking away and I wonder if I'll ever stand a chance with him. Probably not. It's usually the shy, pretty, smart or sexy girls that end up with guys like him. Not girls like me that wear leather or smoke and drink, or that take the risky route.

Especially girls that ride motorcycles.

I take in a deep breath already half an hour late for first period/hour, I prefer hour, and get to my feet. I rub off any dirty or grass I may have on me and walk towards school.

I get to my first hour and slam open the door, most kids that stick to my step sister, glare at me, while others cower in fear. Lucky me, I'm in my worst hour. English.

Then Art, Math, Science, History, PE, and finally Music.

I've discovered over the last few years that I'm pretty good at basketball, volleyball, dodgeball, football, soccer, and softball. But I wouldn't tell anyone that. I also like playing the drums, as it helps me let out all my pent up anger.

That's the only two classes I'm never late to or skip. Music and PE. They're my favorite, especially since no one expects it from me.

At the end of the day I walk out of school and go straight to my bike. What lays one my bike scares me. I pick it up, examine it, drop it and pass out.
I later wake up to someone holding me. Who it is ? I have no idea. All I know is......


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