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You were fiddling with Ace until you heard the click sound, Banshee had left to gather more info on the world you were in and you couldnt stop replaying Cayde's message in your didn't know if you wanted to cry or be pissed.

"Hey kiddo it's your favourite hunter here, if your hearing this that means I finally met my match and I'm I expect any other guardian to avenge me but I imagine you made this your top priority.

My guess is they took my precious cannon Ace and made it there own, so if that's the case you probably scared the Devil and God raising a different kind of hell trying to get it I imagine your confused at this point and in a different place. remind me of Ace in every way which makes this hard to say....I rigged him that way he would take you somewhere safe...another planet, another time, another galaxy I dont know and I dont care....I just want you to be safe....the guardian business isn't for you....your angry and you have every right to be but you have to remember you swore an oath.

You cant let your anger drive you, cause if you do you bring down your friends and your allies....your the first guardian able to use your light anyway you can and I hope your realize how important you need to be a beacon of hope not a vanguard of destruction....hey good thing I'm dead cause I'd imagine you want to hit me now....anyways....I owe you some spicy ramen kid...till next it over.....well i see the red light so it isn't over......WELL END IT ALREADY!"

You loaded up ace and started shooting bottles in frustration.


you took out all the bottles but kept shooting at the walls, you didnt know the bullets penetrated all the way through the building.

"(Y/N)..... I got more Info....are you crying?" Asked Banshee

"No shut up your crying" you said

"You took the message personally didnt you..."

"What am I suppose to do....I can use all the light anyway I want, I'm the first guardian to do that in....ever"

She sigh

"That's why they dont want you to do this....your a special guardian and you need to realize that your not a tool of war...your a...uh oh"

"I'm an uh oh?"

"Were not alone guardian.....I'm gonna"


She went into hiding as you put on your helmet and put away ace and pulled out the first gun you got, The Malfeasance.

You looked down to see what was happening and you saw a gang of what looked like robbers.

"Uh...(Y/N)...they have guns"

"How about do I"

You pointed your gun at them well one of them, as you whistle to get there attenion.

They all drew their guns and pointed them at you.

"Well well well....a secret meeting...what's the subject...the hot girl who sits in the back....oh how about that the teacher had no bra on and you could see she had pierced nipples"

"Yo who the fuck is this guy" yelled one of them

"Better get the fuck out of here or we will light your ass up....asshole" said another one

Heros Light (guardian Male × MHA Harem)Where stories live. Discover now