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You were speeding in your ship when you heard the news, this made banshee come up.

You were speeding in your ship when you heard the news, this made banshee come up

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"Your going a bit fast there (Y/N)...uh maybe slow down a bit?" She said

You ignored her pleads as you had arrived at the traveler.

You were on Io when you heard the news about Cayde and the other guardian being killed.

You walked in to see Zavala and Ikora arguing about what to do.

"We are Guardians...we are not conqures" said Zavala

"To do nothing is....." said Ikora

"Say it...."


They both see you and sigh.

"(Y/N)" said Ikora

"Where is he?!....wheres Cayde..." you said wanting answers

"You were....suppose to be on Io" said Zavala

"Dont give me that shit Zavala! WHERE IS CAYDE!"

They sigh and took you to his coffin, you fell to your knees and cried....he was more of his lame more spicy more shoot outs....and no more contest to see who was a better shot.


"I'm sorry (Y/N)....we all mourn for-"

"Who did it.....who murder Cayde...."


You stood up.

"Tell me Ikora."

She sense your anger, your hatred and it is scared her.

"TELL ME!!!"

Zavala came in because he knew your power, your striking ability was almost legendary you surpassed Shaxx and him in it and you were way beyond Lord Saladin but he would try to stop you.

Zavala spoke.

"Uldraan Sov....his name is Uldraan Sov...he is the brother to Queen Mira Sov"

"Where?" You asked

"The tangled shore....but if you have to go alone"

"Uldraan mine...."

You went on a quest of blood and vengeance as the enemy force grew thinner.

You had The Fanatic down on his knees as you pointed your hand cannon at his head until you lowered it and did something worse.

You had The Fanatic down on his knees as you pointed your hand cannon at his head until you lowered it and did something worse

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Heros Light (guardian Male × MHA Harem)Where stories live. Discover now