Bakugou didn't really want you around as much especially sense her mom was more....experience than her so your relationship didn't last long but she still wanted to fuck your God damn brains out.
You and Midoriya got close though some of the students were curious about your relationship, they didnt know if you were dating or not.
You were with Banshee working on a device that way youcan get home but yu were distracted so it made it harder to work.
You were thinking about Cayde and the pranks you pulled on Zavala sense he was always so high strunk, it made it easier for you two to get him all the time, like designing old balls to look like grenades and tossing them at him.
With Iora you paint symbol in her roo and it made it seems that something terrible was gonna happen everytime she came out of meditation. You chuckled remembering those times....way easier and a lot better, not that this time was bad but you felt out of place....mostly.
"(Y/N) it's almost 8" said Banshee
"You wanted to let you know when it was almost 8 well its 740 now"
"Ah ok...thanks"
You cleaned up in the....lake and got dressed in your uniform the was given to you by All Might.
Banshee had summoned you Sparrow.
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"Here (Y/N)"
She handed you a temporary ghost.
"Its a hallow shell...I can communicate with you thought it but I cant see what it can store burn out in it while I work here"
"Oh....thanks....also we got to make this place look like a house...just in case we...or I'm followed"
You got on Burnout and drove to the School.
You started thinking about Cayde and all the fun shit you did with him, he did teach you to shot your first hand cannon.
You snapped out of your daze as you saw a very very very......VERY annoying enemy, but something was different about it.
"What the?!"
You got off of your sparrow and saw a minotaur but it looked like that monster you fought when you went to the dreaming city.
"Son of a bitch!"
You used your light to summon a flaming sword and strike the abomination but it seemed unfazed as it counter attacked but you blocked it, you threw flaming attacks at it and it seem to get upset and annoyed.
You manage to kick it in the the eye and flip off of it.