Chapter 2: Wonders of Technology

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"Remind me again why we're going to the mall, Detective?" Mace prompted for about the fifth time that hour. The android sat scrunched up in the passenger seat of Connor's car, bent over to keep his head from hitting the roof and mechanical body smooshed up awkwardly to fit on the tiny seat, his seat belt pulled tight across his shoulder despite the fact that they'd pulled into the parking lot twenty minutes ago.

Then again, when the human suddenly whipped the car violently into the first available parking spot he could and the android's body flew with the action before being hauled back by the cloth strap... It kinda seemed like a better idea than Connor had given it credit for. Especially after he slammed his own teeth straight into the steering wheel.

"We're gonna buy matching ugly sweaters." Connor reminded helpfully, pulling his mouth off the leather covering of his wheel - No blood! - and diligently ignoring the angry blaring of the horn of a truck behind them that had been gunning for the godsend space.

"Yes, I understand that." Mace acknowledged slowly, voice halting like he was still trying to piece together his words as they fell from his lips. "I am just uncertain of the cause of this sudden change in behavior." The android commented as he reached a hand down to unbuckle his seat belt, popping the thing open with a barely audible click. "I thought you wanted to watch movies." The machine pointed out as he pulled on the handle of the door and pushed the door open, letting the frigid December wind whip into the warm interior of the car, the comfortable heat rushing out in a minute to be replaced by icy chill.

"No, no." Connor dismissed as he opened his own door and slid out, arching his angular shoulders against the winds nipping bite as it snapped at his ears and dug its teeth into his skin. "This is your first Christmas, Mace. We're not spending it watching shitty rom coms." The human shook his head decidedly and slammed his car door shut behind him. He most certainly would not let that happen.

Mace gave him an odd look. What the hell was Connor supposed to gather from that drastic eyebrow slope? Well, other than the fact that whatever android designer who was in charge of programming facial expression had way too much time on their hands.

The android thankfully relented, however, and pulled himself out of the car, only hitting his head off the door frame once this time. A considerable improvement.

The air outside was crisp with that familiar winter frost and stung against Connor's cheeks when it whipped mercilessly through the crowded parking lot. Luckily, the spot he was able to swipe out from under that truck driver's nose was close to the doors, the majestic glass panes of promising warmth already visible on the blessed horizon. If he was quick, maybe he could scurry the length before Mace had a chance to start scolding him for not wearing a scarf.

"You should've worn a scarf, Detective." Mace chastised before Connor had even so much as made it two steps. So much for that idea.

"The mall entrance is literally two steps away, Robocop. I think I'll survive." The human teased lightly but Mace didn't look quite so convinced, mechanical lips set in a straight lined look of disapproval and blue eyes unrelenting. Connor quickly turned away from the chasitsting expression and all but bolted across the parking lot, long legs pattering noisily against the dark asphalt underfoot in his rush and lean fingers keeping the collar of his jacket pulled high to guard his stinging cheeks from the wind.

However... While, despite the robot's doubts, the detective did in fact survive the short jaunt to the mall entrance; actually entering the economic mecca, however, was a completely different story.

Connor's legs slowed to a stop as he took in the familiar doors, usually left plain and undisturbed save for a few posters advertising crappy two for one deals or the opening of some new store that wouldn't last a month. Massive poles, gaudily stripped with crimson streaks arched over the sprawling glass door to tower high above the human standing stalled just before the entrance. The entryway itself was trimmed with bunches of thick, coarse strands of plastic holly that hung down in front of the door itself in smothering drapes, bright greens and reds outlining the fake frost tinted glass. The shrill ringing of a bell rang through Connor's head like a siren wailing in his skull.

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