Chapter 4: Eggnog Aversion

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"Mace, can you taste?" Connor asked after slamming back a fourth cup of eggnog, swallowing thickly around the heavy liquid as it drug down his throat like some kinda kinky octopus monster in a bad hentai. A vague sensation of warmth sunk into his chest and flowed out into his veins until it flushed through his blood and tingled in the very tips of his fingers, spreading ever on until it seemed to breath its heated caress into his mind itself and smother his thoughts in a loving embrace.

"I cannot necessarily taste as such, not in the way humans can." The android answered after a moment of consideration, LED cycling a slow yellow as he seemed to ponder the question. "My oral analysis equipment can, however, gather data on any substance it comes in contact with and the information can be processed in a way that might resemble the experience you refer to." Mace continued evenly, his voice keying down to something droning and monotone like he was reading the words straight out of a Bear Bot Maintenance Manual.

And, yeah, Connor didn't get a word of that.

"Can you taste this, Robocop?" The human drawled in a low whisper, reaching forward and twisting his long fingers into the soft fabric of his partner's sweater, burying slender digits in the dark folds and pulling the android forward by the collar. He slammed his mouth into Mace's sloppily, lips pressing over the machine's and tongue slipping between his teeth before the robot had even so much as parted his own lips.

Eventually his companion caught up with the program though and let his mouth fall open against Connor's, bringing a big hand up to press warmly against the human's cheek where the rough pad of his thumb ran along the arch of the detective's cheekbone in a soothing stroke that only encouraged the younger man to press harder. Tongue between the droid's teeth, lithe body pressing in close to his companion's to feel hard, synthetic muscle under his hands as he brought them up to run his fingers over the android's chest, Connor wanted everything Mace would give him.

However, Mace pulled back far sooner than Connor would have liked, the android's LED cycling a quick, flashing yellow and his eyes wide with something that almost resembled worry. "Detective, I feel the need to warn you-" The mechanical man tried to begin but he made it no farther when he was rudely cut off by the arrival of an unexpected and franky unwanted third party.

"Connor!" Alec Stone's rough voice abruptly cut in and the man broke free of the small crowd to walk toward them, his gait oddly uneven and his body stumbling to the side before he finally came to stand before the pair. "Connor!" He reiterated as if he'd forgotten he'd already said it, clapping a heavy hand down on the detective's shoulder and leaning in so the strands of his slicked back hair that had broken free of the excessive hair gel pressing them to his scalp fell into his face.

"Alec." Connor replied for lack of anything better to say, staring blankly at the man who currently leaned in far closer that the detective would like him too. Ever.

"Connor, do you remember that Christmas?" Alec all but slurred, his words jamming together into one long breath before he fell into a fit of snorting laughter, apparently listening to some great joke only he could hear.

"I don't even remember how you started this conversation." Connor admitted after a thoughtful moment, squinting at the man and trying to recall him walking up. Maybe Alec had been here all along? He had no clue.

"Yess, you do!" Alec insisted in an exasperated huff, rolling his dark eyes annoyedly towards the ceiling. "The one in the bar!" The man elaborated, entirely unhelpfully. Connor remembered a lot of Christmas' in bars with Alec - and Jerome too. Back before Captain Thorn started playing favorites and their tight little trio dissolved into muted amiability and spitting antagonism respectively, that was, of course.

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