Big Dork

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(A/N~hey sorry, boys, I know its been like over a year and yall might still care about it and with the big 'Rona, I got lots of time so...also I'm sorry I've been putting this chapter off cus it's kind of a filler but I promise you I'm gonna try to make it good, it might end up being a little short tho - The Alien)

Your POV

Summer loving had me a blast
Summer loving happened so fast
I met a girl crazy for me
Met a boy cute as can be

I've been working for pretty much a month. Dinah has refused to leave till next week when I'm kicking her out. And I've been working my butt off to try to prove myself to the boys. Shane and Ryan suddenly became very protective of me. Specifically, Shane, who asks if I need anything every five seconds and follows me around like a lost puppy. A very tall lost puppy.

Anyway, I've been adjusting. A lot of people have been leaving, like the Try Guys. I've been eating lunch with the Ladylike girls this past week. They seem to like me. They're very nice, and they're very accepting of me. It's kind of like I've become one of the girls.

"...Hey Y/n!" someone yelled.

I pull my earbud out, " Yeah?"

"Can you feel my shirt?" Shane asked and Ryan, who was sitting next to me, shook his head while rolling his eyes a little.

"Sure..." I say reaching out to feel the soft material of his button-up shirt. "Now may I ask why I just felt your shirt?"

"...because it's made of boyfriend material."

"Oh...jeez, I hate you," I say and turn back to my work and put my headphones back in. I work on the video I was on and continue to listen to the Grease soundtrack. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Shane sit down.

~Time Skip brought to you by the demonic screech of Shane from the Haunting of Hannah Williams ep.~

"Hey...hey Y/n?"

"Yes, Shane?" I say looking up from my work.

"I just wanted to tell you that you're hotter than the bottom of my laptop," He said with somewhat of a straight face which made it better.

I put my hand to my mouth to stop myself from laughing, " okay...okay. That was a good one..."

I continued to work. I put my headphones back in. I was done the video I was working on and all the other editors were working on the other film so I had free time. So I thought I would spend my time drawing, buzzfeed unsolved stuff of course (cuz technically I'm still working). I started to draw some characters from the hotdoga.

I guess I didn't realize how much time had passed cause in no time my drawing was almost done. It had all the characters, like Maizie and Brandan and Gene and Mike Soup and it had a cool like 80s thing around it. (idk sorry)

"Yo, that's good! Even if I do hate those stupid food products" Ryan exclaims catching me off guard.


"I wanna see," Shane says and I hand him the paper, "It is good! You've portrayed my wonderful characters beautifully! It's an absolute masterpiece!" He does a chef's kiss.

"...thanks...?" I say blushing slightly. Laughing at the dramatics of Shane's statement.

"That could be some awesome merch!" Shane said enthusiastically, "Let's add it to the list."

"O-okay," I say awkwardly, a proud smile growing on my face.  We all sat there for a minute until TJ comes by. He askes the boys if they want to get lunch. 

"Y/n do you wanna come with us too?" Shane asks looking right in my eyes. 

"No, though I would love too, I have work to do" I responded slightly sad.  I put my headphones back in. I started on the next group of videos that I had to edit.  

        I will say that after working here for the past month, I have become more used to the boys and everyone else here. The boys have become like best friends, well more than that. Ryan is like a big brother of some sort, even though he is younger than me, and Shane, oh Shane, I've started to develop some kind of feelings, what kind of feelings, I don't really know to be honest. He is a little annoying sometimes.  

I felt a tap on my shoulder, breaking my thoughts. I turned to see Devon with a smile on her face. "Do you wanna sit with us for lunch?" 

" know what. Yeah! I'd like that." I agreed. I grabbed my lunch and stood up. I followed Devon to a table with the four other girls I've grown to know. I quickly sat down and unpacked my lunch. 

"Hey, glad you could make it, Y/n," Kristen said with a bright smile.  

"Thanks, me too," I respond, "So what have you 5 been up too?"

"We filmed a few" Chantel answered before shoving he fork in her mouth. All of the girls nodded then turned to me. 

"Edited,...more editing,...I drew a bit."

"You can't just say that without showing us the picture or telling us what it is or something," Jen said looking me dead in the eyes. 

"" I showed them the picture I sent to Nina and Dinah. They nodded and examined the picture. I sat there and took a bite of my food. 

"Very good...very good. You should make me something...I would pay you for it though," Freddie said with her token smile on her face. 

"Maybe..." I responded with a smile on my face. I took another bite of my food. 

"So......Y/n. How has your first month of work been?..." Devon asked with a devious smile.

"Yeah, Y/ have the boys been treating you..." Chantel questioned with a very similar devious smile as Devon's. 

"...Uh-huh...We've seen the way Shane follows you around...he's like a lost Clifford" Freddie joins in.

"Aaaaaand we've seen the way y'all look at each other, " Kristen states next. If I had known I was going to be ganged up on I would not have agreed to this.

"And the way you laugh and blush a bit when you guys talk..." 

"...What are you insinuating?" I ask already knowing the answer. 

"You and Shane totally have a thing for each other, soooooo, we're asking if he's treating you well."

"...He's being fine to me, and we do not like each that at least. We're just friends, nothing else, though you might think something is up, there really is nothing wrong. I'm just a bit shy o-okay?" I say stuttering a bit at the end. I really did like Shane, though I never would admit it. It's just know dating a coworker. I mean a lot of people do it, I just don't want something to happen that would hurt either of us. 

"Alright...If you say so." Freddie says doubting what I said. 

"...I promise there is nothing going on."

"Okay...but if there's anything you need to tell us, ever, don't hesitate."

I nod in response to what Kristen said. I finish up my lunch and listen to what the girls are talking about. I get up to back to my desk with a goodbye to my friends. As I sat down and put my earbuds in, I think about what the girls were saying. Maybe they were right...I don't know, Shane was being a big dork today...And with that, I pushed my thoughts back and continued my work. 

A/n- Again I am so sorry for not updating this sucker in over a year but...with all that's going on and with a lot of Watcher to watch, I have a lot of inspiration and I kinda know where my story is going, so...with that I'll leave you with this. I hope all is well with your families and don't forget to support your local businesses and stay away from people. I hope this was a bit entertaining at least...maybe it got your mind off the stress, idk.        With Love, The Alien <3  

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