Chapter Four

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I continue to run my finger through his hair for another half an hour before my hand gets tired. I stop my hand keeping it in his hair. "Mmmm, please don't stop, Baby." I jump at Wolf's sleep-filled voice.
I look down at Wolf," Sorry, if I woke you." I say.
He moves his head to look up at me," No, I like the feel of your fingers in my hair. It is very soothing. " He pushes himself up, to where he is sitting between my legs.
I look at him, sleepy and shirtless. He gives me a crooked grin," Want to try second base?"
I feel my eyebrow arch, "What is second base?" I ask, looking at his heavily tattooed chest.
"You will just have to see, Baby. It does go hand in hand with your next lesson. So, you want to?" He asks while looking down at me, his hands rubbing both my shins.
  My eyes look into his caramel eyes. I slowly nod my head, slightly nervous. He chuckles while moving to hover over me, his arms on either side of my shoulder, "That is what Daddy likes to hear."
  He leans down,  pressing his lips to mine, then moves down my jawline to my neck. I let out a small moan when he nibbles on my neck. My hands find their way to his shoulders, my legs wrapping around his waist.
Wolf pulls back from our kiss, looking amused," Comfortable, Baby?" I nod my head slightly, "Answer for me, Baby, answer Daddy."
I run my hands up and down his shoulders, looking him dead in the eyes, "Yes, I am comfortable, Daddy." I feel myself blush, as the words come out of my mouth. Wolf groans and sets his face in the pillow that my head is laying on. I turn my head and bite his neck.  Wolf takes a sharp deep breath, making me pull back quickly.
He grabs my hips," You little vixen." He laughs, my hips are now pressed against his, he moving my hips in slow circles
  He smiles down at me. I can't keep my eyes open from the pleasure that I am feeling. Wolf then speeds up his grinding. I moan, my hips bucking against him.
   One of his hands moves from my waist and pushes my shirt up, over my breast. His hands cup me under my bra. He goes still," Look at me, Baby."
I open my eyes, looking at his mouth. He begins to move against me again. I begin to pant, my hips pressing harder into him. I feel my eyes go wide when his thumb flicks across my nipple.
   Wolf leans down pressing his mouth against mine. I feel his hand push my bra over my breast, exposing them to the cool air of the room.  He pulls back, lightly kissing my neck.
I begin to move faster, my body close to the edge. Wolf grabs my hips," Slow down, Baby." He says gruffly.
I shake my head," No, Daddy, I am so close."
  He moans and begins to move faster, his hips causing a sensation that I have never felt in all my life. I was silently thanking myself for putting on thin pajama shorts. I watch as he leans down to my chest, taking one of my nipples into his mouth, sucking lightly.
I try to move faster, but it wasn't possible. I was so close to the edge. I just couldn't fall over. His tongue flicks over the tip.
  I finally fall over the edge when he lightly bites down on my nipples. The pain from it felt so amazing. My fingernails dig into his back, as he continues to move against me. My eyes close shut and I feel nothing but this pleasure. I bite down on his shoulder to keep myself from yelling out my pleasure.
  Wolf moans and goes still about the time I get to come off my high. He lightly lays his body on top of mine. We lay there trying to catch our breath for a good ten minutes. I jerk when he lightly bites my nipple again before he lifts himself off of me. I shiver a little as the cold air takes the place of his warm body heat.
  Wolf smiles down at me before stepping off the bed. I must be the shade of a tomato by the heat I feel on my face. I watch as he stands up and stretches. I see a large wet spot on the front of his blue boxers.
   He chuckles when he sees where my eyes are," Most of that is you, Baby. You are like a waterfall, so wet."
  I fix my bra before pushing my shirt back down into place. I slowly sit up, pulling my knees as close to my body as possible. I nervously bite my lip. " I am sorry. I don't know what came over me. I have never acted like that." I ramble out.
  Wolf sits down on the side of the bed," Hey, look at me. I like what we just did. You let me see a side of you that no one has ever seen. That means a lot to me. You were vulnerable and didn't think about what you were doing. Now, tell me honestly, did you enjoy what we just did?"
I look at him before looking at the bedspread, "Um, yes, but did you like it?"
  He chuckles and motions down to the front of his pants, drawing my eyes back up," As I said, it wasn't all you. I definitely enjoyed it."
Wolf stands back up, walking to the dresser. " You hungry? I am going to order some pizza, want anything?" He says over his shoulder.
I shake my head no," I don't have my wallet."
  He pushes his boxers off his waist. I look out the window, it is probably close to twelve. A towel is thrown on my lap,  making me jump.
  I look over at Wolf. He is looking back at me, " I am going to run downstairs and tell the kid at the desk I am ordering pizza. You can clean yourself up while I am gone."
I nod my head up and down, staying quiet. He walks over to me. I notice his blue basketball shorts sit low on his waist. He bends at his waist and pecks my lip, "I'll be back soon, Baby."
I nod my head, watching him leave the dorm. I stand up and push my shorts down when I hear the door click shut. I take the towel and clean myself up as best as I could. I find my bag seeing nothing but my blue underwear. Aiden forgot to pack me actual pants.
I sigh and grab my large sweater, from the day before, pulling it over my head. When I slip my arms in the sleeves the dorm door swings open. Aiden and Wolf walk inside the room, not noticing me. I let out a squeak and try to pull the sweater down further, the lower half of my body completely bare. Aiden and Wolf both jerk their heads over to look at me.
Aiden chuckles," Nice legs, Harm."
I feel my eyes burn from trying to hold back tears, this was the most embarrassing moment of my life.
  Wolf quickly walks to stand in front of me, blocking Aiden's view of my body. Aiden walks to the closet by Wolf's bed.
  Aiden pulls a hoodie out of the closet and quickly leaves the room. Wolf turns to me. I blink the tears back, not wanting him to see my embarrassment.
He leans down and pecks my lips again," Why don't we get some pants on you, Baby?" He suggests quietly.
I clear my throat, glancing down at the floor them back up," Um, Aiden, forgot to pack me any actual pants."
  " You can borrow some of my clothes." Wolf teased me, remembering I had declined his clothes the night before."  Aiden is about to go out and grab some food. He said he would pick up our pizza while he was out. He just wanted to grab a jacket because it is starting to sprinkle."
I nod my head, still trying to pull the sweater further down my body. Wolf walks over to the dresser and pulls out a pair of sweat pants. He bends down. I slowly step into them, using his shoulders to help me balance.
  His thumb drags up my legs as he pulls the sweats up. I bite my lip when he is standing to look down at me. He pecks my cheek, before pulling me down onto the bed.
 I sit on the edge, while he stretches out. We sit in silence, until a vibrating nose interiors the silence. I look at Wolf with questioning eyes, he just shrugs, "Your phone, I am guessing. It's on the dresser."
 I jump off the bed, quickly walking to the dresser. The caller ID showed Mom's name, a picture of her cooking in the kitchen flashing across the screen. I press the green phone icon before pressing the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" I ask quietly.
 " Hey, little sister, how is college life?" Angel blurts happily through the phone.
 A small smile finds its way to my lips at hearing her voice," Angel? Why are you not calling from your phone? Is everything okay?" I ask quickly.
 "Roman bumped my phone into the sink by accident earlier. So, heard you went to a party last night. Did you get laid by a hot frat boy?" I feel myself blush at her question, glancing back at Wolf. He is looking at me with a bored expression.
 "No, still a virgin. Did you need anything? Not to be rude, but you do get off track some times." I state, turning to the dorm door.
 Angel laughs, "I do, but just wanted to remind you of Sunday dinner. Dad is worried you will forget. Even though you aren't an hours drive away from home."
 I roll my eyes at Dad's worry," I will not forget. There is five days until Sunday."
 "Meet any hot guys yet?" She asks I hear something fall in the background.
 " Sort of, what was that noise? " I ask.
 " Oh, Dad and Parker just walked in the house with muddy boots. Mom threw the mop and bucket at the two of them. Dad is now trying to talk his way out of mopping the floor, but Mom is having none of it. Also, sort of is not an answer it is yes or no, Harmony." She replies.
 I glance back over at Wolf, he motions for me to come over to him. I walk to the edge of the bed and mouth "What do you need?" Wolf grabs one of my arms before pulling me down onto his chest.
 "Yes, if you want to know," I say as I lay my head on Wolf's chest. He sets his hand on my waist, while the other one runs up and down my sides.
 "Any that you want to go wild with? You need one that will help you relax. You have never had a rebellious side." She sighs, probably thinking of all my goody two-shoeness.
  I lift my head and look into Wolf's face, knowing that he heard every word. He pecks my lips, one hand patting my ass.
 "What was that sound?" Angel blurts.
 I feel my eyes go wide," There was no noise, Ang." I say too quickly.
 "Mmmhhhmmm, sounded like someone kissing." She chirps.
 "What about kissing, Darling?" Parker says on the other end of the line.
  I feel myself blush, my face pressing into Wolf's naked chest," Oh, Harmony, was telling me about all the bacteria passed when people kiss." Angel covers up for our conversation. I smile into his chest before lifting my head back up. She would always have my back, .no matter what.
 I hear the phone being fought over then Parker's rough voice coming through the line," Hey, Sweetheart, how is college life?"
 I roll my eyes, setting my head back on Wolf's chest. " You know the usual, drinking, drugs, and unprotected sex all the time.",I say sarcastically.
 Parker chuckles," Ok, well I am going to let you go. Everyone sends their love, be safe."
 " Love you all too, Parker.",I say quickly before the line goes dead.
  I set the phone down on top of Wolf's chest. I feel his chest rise with each breath he takes and lowers with reach exhale. His hand travels my waist to my back, slowly rubbing up and down, over my sweater.
 I smile, closing my eyes. He takes ones hand, setting it back on my ass. The other moves up and down my back, in a soothing manner.
 I sigh and just concentrate on his hand on my back, enjoying it. He continues for a good ten minutes.
 I must have dozed off because of Wolf gently wakes me up. I blink a few times, picking my head up to see Wolf's face.
 " Baby, you need to wake up. Aiden texted he'll be here in a few moments with our food." He says quietly.
 I groan and push myself up, and onto the side of the bed. I grab the pillow and snuggle into it. "Mhm, when he stops by ask him what laundry detergent he uses." I sleepily mumble.
 There is a knock on the door. Wolf stand up off the bed and walks over to the door,  cracking it open. He comes back to bed. The two large boxes of pizzas are set down at the foot. I slowly sit up, pouting that I was woken up.
 My stomach growls at the smell of the pizza, reminding me it was more important than sleep. I bite my lip as I wait for Wolf to get settled. He turns on the TV, turning it to a mindless show.
  He opens the box and looks at me," Grab a piece." He stands up as I grab a large piece. I take a bite as he walks closet closest to the bed. He comes back out holding two beers.
 He hands me one as he sits back against the wall. I eat a slice of pizza, before twisting off the top of the beer. I take a sip before swallowing, making a face at the sour-tasting drink.
 I look at Wolf, who is chuckling at my expense," First drink, Baby?"
 I shake my head no," First beer." I state.
 "So, who gave you your first drink?" He curiously asks before shoving half a slice of pizza in his mouth.
  "Uncle Mark, when I was thirteen. I got my first period when my parents were both at work. Uncle Mark had a doctor's appointment, so he was assigned to watch me. I started to have really bad cramps, and him having all boys, had no idea what to do with a girl in pain and bleeding. So, he let me watch a YouTube video on how to put a pad in and gave me a shot of whiskey for the pain."
 Wolf was smiling, showing all his white teeth."What did your parents have to say?" He laughs as he asks, before shoving the other half of the pizza in his mouth.
 " Dad laughed as well as Angel. Mom was a little mad. She was upset that Uncle Mark didn't call her. She pointed out that a shot of whiskey wasn't good for my growing body." I say as I reach for another slice.

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