Chapter Five

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"So, how old are you?" I ask, after swallowing.
Blade take the beer out of my hand and takes a large sip. He licks his lips," Twenty- one, twenty-two in a mouth. It took a while to save up for college. How old are you?"
He shrugs and grabs for his third piece of pizza. " Nineteen."
Blade reaches under the bed and pulls out a soda. He pops the tab opens, then hands it to me. I take a huge sip, licking my lips clean.
Blade groans and moves the pizza boxes on to the floor. He crawls towards me, having me lean back onto the bed. I look at him. He is looking at my lips. He leans down and kisses my lips.
"Baby, every time your tongue swipes across your lips, you make me think of wicked things." He moves down to kiss my jaw, then down to my neck. I moan and pulls him back up to my mouth.
I wrap my legs around his waist. He pulls back," Baby, you are killing me. Every time I see that tongue of your slips out between your lips. It gives me wicked ideas." He leans down and lightly bite my bottom lip.
I wait for him to pull back when I lean up and kiss his neck. I nibble and suck. He moans reaching his hand up my shirt.
The ringing of a phone has him pulling back, making Blade groan. He crawls off of me, standing up off the bed to grab his phone.
I watch as he walks the few steps to his phone. He brings it up to his ear," What the fuck are you calling me for?"
He listens to the person on the other end of the line for a few minutes. His jaw tightens as he listens. He begins to pace the small room.
" Fucking fine, I'll be there soon. I just got to do a few things before I head over there." He fumed.
He throws the phone on the bed, looking at me, still laying on the bed. He looks at the floor then back at me.
I watch as he walks towards the bed. He hovers over me. I look up at him. He has an aggravated look on his face," Ok, Baby, I have to go somewhere on business for my Dad. I'll be back late. So, just chill here, watch TV. If you need anything Aiden is right next door. I'll have a key, so no opening the door for anyone. If you do have to leave there is a key by the TV. Now give Daddy a kiss goodbye." I blush at his last statement.
I lean up and peck his lips. He leans down, kissing and sucking on my neck. I moan and going myself into him. He groans and pulls away. Those lips of his are graces with a smirk," We need to stop before I have to call my Dad back and tell him I'm coming but not in the way he thinks."
My mouth drops open at his dirty comment, my face heats up. Blade kisses my forehead and chuckles. He jumps off the bed, grabs some clothes. Then he walks out the door.
I sit up on the bed, between my thighs are tingling. I sit there for a good twenty minutes, trying to figure out what to do. I decide to take a shower, grabbing my toiletries bag again. I bite the tip of my thumb, they decide to borrow some of Blades clothes, just for tonight. I don't think he would mind. He offered last night.
I walk to the dresser he grabbed clothes out of earlier. I rummage around and find a pair of black boxer briefs and a grey tank. I grab the key by the TV, they walk out the door.
All the stalls except the one closest to the door are occupied. I slip in and quickly shower, closing the curtain behind me. I quickly undress and hang my stuff up, pulling my hair up into a messy bun, to keep it from getting wet. I grab my loofa running my dove bar soap over it until it gets foamy.
I wash my body and since off, then I grab my facial cleaning bottle, quickly washing my face clean. I shut the water off, drying myself off with my towel. I pull on my borrowed clothes. The boxer shorts are a little tight, but still comfortable. The tank is just right.
I walk back to the dorm, quickly. The door is slightly open when I reach the door. I walk in, thinking Blade came back early.
I walk in," Hey, sorry I." I stop when we'll tanned brunet is sitting on Aiden bed. The one that Blade and I have been sleeping on.
Her legs looked a mile long in her cut off jean shorts. You could see tattooed covered arms and shoulders, with her white tank top.
I look at the girl," Hello, I am Harmony." I simply say.
The girl smiles at me," Hey, Harmony, you must be one of the roommates girls. I am looking for Blade. I am here to surprise him and break in his dorm bed." I feel myself blush. He had used me for a good time.
I shuffle my weight," Um, he actually had to go somewhere. I can leave a message." I say.
She laughs then readjust on the bed." I'll wait here."
I nod my head, biting my lip." I just need to grab my stuff before heading back to my dorm." I mutter.
She nods her head, laying back on the bed. I'll have to remind Aiden to wash his sheets. I quickly grab all my stuff and walk out the door.
I walk to my dorm door, knocking quietly. Em opens the door, all disheveled. She smiles when she sees me. "Hey, Em, can I hang out for a while. The blade has company."
She leans back into the dorm and yells," Hey, babe, put some clothes on. We have company."
I chuckle, after a few moments she opens the door completely. I walk into my dorm. Her side is all disheveled. The room does smell like freshly sprayed fabreeze.
I glance at my bed," Is it safe to sit on?" I ask while smiling.
Em laughs and Aiden blushed," If I was you I wouldn't. I was planning on washing them for you tomorrow."
I shake my head and laugh," It's fine, the floor will do just fine." I sit on the floor by my bed.
Aiden and Em are cuddled together on her bed. I look behind them and see that it is dark outside. Em looks at me," Netflix or Hulu?" She asks while turning on the TV.
I shrug," no preference." She decides on Netflix. We end up watching The Vampire Diaries. We were five episodes in when my eyes start to get droopy. I stretch and look over at Em and Aiden. They were both passed out.
I walk to my dresser, pulling out a pair of jeans and a sweater, quickly pulling them on. I grab my wallet and keys, then quickly walk out the door, making sure to shut it quietly.
I walk down to the parking lot, unlocking my car door and starting it. I drive to a convenience store. It was weird being out at one in the morning. I quickly grab some candy and a few drinks. I pay the cashier before walking out to my car.
I glance down at my car before starting my car. I have four missed calls from an unknown number. I shrug and begin to reverse. When I am about ten minutes away from campus the unknown number calls me again. I answer and put it on speaker.
"Hello, who is this?" I ask politely.
"Baby, you aren't in bed. Where are you?" Blade's voice comes over the phone speaker. I chew on my lip.
" Um, I went an took a shower. I came back and you had company. I didn't want to intrude when you got back, so I went to hang out with Em and Aiden." I say as I turn into campus. The blade is standing outside. I park as far away from him as possible.
He sees me park, he jogs over to the driver side. I turn off the car and open the door. Blade leans down into the car, having me lay down onto the seat.
He hovers over me," So, why did Daddy come home with you not there in his bed." He asks huskily.
I huff and look at him" Daddy had someone else in his bed. I also am not obligated to be in a bed for 'Daddy'." I snarky reply.
Blade smirks above me," Are you jealous, Baby?"
I glare at him," Hell no, because I realized you used me until you could get someone to your dorm to go all the way with you. Now, will you get off of me."
He looks down at me," I didn't use you, Baby. She was supposed to be a gift from a few of my friends. I got back and realized she was there and you weren't. She got kicked out, and I began to call you."
I roll my eyes," Sure, Blade, now out my car. I don't even care. We aren't daring,  are we? So, you can do what, or who, ever you want."
Blade looks at me like I am stupid," We are dating."
I looked at him confused," We are, you never asked me."
He chuckles then sighs," Will you be my girlfriend, Harmony."
I look up at his handsomely sculptured face. His caramel eyes bore into mine, waiting for my answer.
I smirk," Do you really have to ask?"
He is shocked for a moment before he gets a sly smile on his face," Oh, Baby, I want you to answer, Daddy. "
My thighs squeeze together automatically. He chuckles," I'm waiting, Baby."
I lean up and press my mouth to his, moving my mouth against his, flicking his tongue against mine. I moan and pull him closer.
We are interrupted again by the ringing of his phone. I groan as he pulls back, pulling his phone from his pocket. He presses it to his ear," What the fuck do you want?" He demands through the phone.
I get out of the car, getting all my bags and stuff. I lock up the door,  while Blade is still on his phone. He paces and every once in a while he looks and smiles at me.
I always give him a small smile back. I wait for a good twenty minutes when he finally shoves the phone back into his pocket.
"I guess we better head to bed. It is almost two." When he makes that statement I realize I am really tired, even with my nap today.
I yawn, Blade comes over and grabs all the bags from me. We walk side by side to the dorm room. He unlocks the door, ushering me inside.
When I hear the door shut I begin to take off my clothes, only leaving on the clothes I borrowed from him. I crawl under the covers of Aiden's bed.
I look at Blade, he is standing in the doorway watching me." Nice pajamas, where did you get them?" He asks with a knowing grin.
I close my eyes and pull the blanket to my shoulder," Stole them from my boyfriend." I sleepily mumble.
I hear him chuckle as he crawls into bed behind me. We both on our sides. He wraps his arm around my waist. I begin to feel self-conscious about my tummy. I gently move his arm down to way hip.
After a few minutes, he moves the hair out of my face, pushing it behind my ear. He leans down and kisses my temple, quietly whispering," Night, Baby."

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