You Help Me/I Help You

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"Odell slow one is going to take the food away from you." I laughed lightly while placing my hands on his shoulders.

I had decided to cook Sunday instead of Saturday because I just wanted to get some housework done...and relax for a bit since I was child free until Sunday night.

I tried to call Odell when the roast was half way done to let him know he could get his plate any time after six, but he didn't answer. So I sent a text and left it at that. If he wanted it, he will let me know, but it was out of my hands now.

How did he end up eating in my home is still a bit funny. He was at some event with his father and as he rushed into my home dressed up, said something about the food being bland and too small in portions.

Once I placed his plate in front of him, that was all she wrote. When he said he could eat...HE COULD EAT!

Odell mumbled something I couldn't understand while shoveling some more sweet potatoes with marshmallows into his mouth. I sighed while he eyed the plate of biscuits somewhat out of his reach and I pulled them over just enough for him to take two and set them on his plate.

"When was the last time you had a home cooked meal Odell?" I asked while leaning down to look at him. All I got was a shrug as an answer and sighed. I didn't know how long he's been back in town, but it had to be some time if he was working with his father...I'm just shocked he didn't have some young girl cooking for him...then again...maybe she couldn't good...girls now rather go out than cook.

"Can I have something to drink?" His question snapped me out of my thoughts and I went into the kitchen.

"Sure, I have juice, soda...milk-" I started naming off things on the door of the fridge, but his laughter cut me off.

"How about if you have it?" I raised a brow; ready to tell him hell no, but quickly thought about it. He's grown now...he's grown now.

"Yes...yes I do." I took the bottle out and got a glass from my china cabinet and poured him some. I glanced at him and saw him watching me with this playful smile plastered on his face.

"What?" I finally asked when I couldn't take him staring at me anymore. Odell picked up his glass and took down half of it before nodding his head in approval.

"Milk?" He asked and that one word made me huff while he started laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh shut your mouth Odell-" I pushed his shoulder, but all he did was laugh harder. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms while he started to calm down some. He caught me by surprise when his arm came around me and he pulled me close to him by my hip. He leaned his forehead onto my side and smirked a bit.

"It's'll get use to my age Mrs. Andrews...soon enough." I started playing with his hair and smacked my lips.

"You think so huh?" I asked with a little laughter in my voice. Odell didn't answer at first, he seemed to like what i was doing and laid his head on me more and let out a low grunt. 

I didn't care, his hair was always soft. I use to braid it all the time until he decided to get it cut off. After some time Odell looked up at me and that same look he had before returned. I stopped playing in his hair and stared down at him while he pulled me closer.

"I know so." He told me boldly and rested his chin on my stomach. I don't know why, but I was now very aware of how we were and my hip started to tingle where his hand was.

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