reunion and cathcing up

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(A/n  this isn't a miles x rrader I just wanna have an interaction with Peter B and (y/n))

(Y/n) p.o.v

I was over at grandma Mays house to stay for a while.

Ever since dad's death, may has been a little down, so mom decided for me stay over a bit for both me and grandma Mays sake.

We had fans come and go today dropping off gifts, cards, and whatever fans drop off at your aunt's house.

It has been hell.

Not only that, but I miss my dad.

I got up from his bed I was laying on and went over to his record collection (just a little headconon of mine for the story).

I searched for the song me and dad used to listen to whenever I felt down or sad.

I finally found it and went over to his record player. I took out of its case and lifted up the glass that covered the record player.

I put in and put the record needle down and heard the first words of the song.

'Hey jude, dont make it bad, take a sad song and make it better'

I went back over to his bed and plopped down on my back listening to the song.

'Remember to let her into your heart then you can start, to make it better'

I just stare at the wall listening to the song thinking of dad and times we listened to it.

'Hey jude, dont be afraid. You were made to go out and get her.'

'The minute you let her under your skin, then you begin to make it better'

'and anytime you feel the pain, hey jude, refrain. Dont carry the world upon your shoulders'.


I sat up on instantly and rushed over to the record player to lift up the glass and put up the needle.

I walked over where the stairs was and saw may open up the Door.

(Who was also dragging a bat for obviois reasons)

"You guys are very sweet but no more gifts today please"

She peaked out and opened the door fully, letting the bat she was holding clatter on the porch stairs and into the snow.

I lift an eyebrow, not knowing whats happneing.

I just sat on the stairs watching what the heck is going on.

She stepped out side and said a name I never thought I would hear again.


At that single name, my eyes widened and my breath hitched.

I slowly stood up and start slowly walking down the stairs listening to their conversation.

"Hey aunt may, so this is going to sound crazy but I'm pretty sure I'm from-"

But She cuts him off.

"Another dimension?"


I also saw miles I used to go to school with and another girl that I dont know.

Aunt mays hand was resting on da- Peters cheek.

"You look tired peter"

"Well, I am tired"

I was at the doorstep, my hand resting on the doorknob.

Miles morales x Reader Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now