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Nico pov

I heard my father leave this morning that gives me 10 minutes before SHE woke up I got up quickly put on my black rip jeans on and my binder yes I'm transgender deal with it    (i just realzied i have an obession with making Nico trans on all my stories deal with it) a skull shirt and my BVB hoodie I put my foundation on to cover the bags under my eyes and a few bruises eyeliner then my beanie on j look at my phone I have a few minutes before SHE got up I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door when I was a block away from my house I slowed my run to a walk and put my ear buds in blasting Legacy from BVB I got to the bus stop and noticed a guy with blond curls and freckles on his face

I seen him before he moved in the house across from me but I didn't really get a goo look at him he is hooooot No! Bad Nico you can think guys are hot that's wrong but he does look really cute I then realize he has been looking at me Crap! I've been staring too long I look at the ground flustered I took one of my ear buds out to listen to a few sounds around me making sure I'm safe I here him chuckle and I glance at him he still looking at me

"Hi! I'm Will I moved in across the street from you I saw you walking your dog the other day " he said putting his hand out I just stared at it he then awkwardly brought it down

"I'm Nico " I mumbled he broke out in a grin seeing I wasn't being a asshole about shaking his hand I had to hold back trying not to roll my eyes he will soon ditch me like everyone else I have very few friends

"Nice too meet you Nico " he smirked I blushed and looked away I heard him chuckle again and the bus arrived

I went to the back and sat down I look through my phone I was looking at new binders I needed new ones  because mine where worn out and old I saw a few that would be good but I'm afraid too ask my dad cause they are so expensive he probably would buy them he does care about me he just busy a lot I don't want to add more pressure on him but I decided to put it in my memos just in case

'Ask dad for new binders' I wrote and the closed my phone I then head a voice next to me say

"When do we arrive at school?" I heard a voice next to me I jumped and saw Will he was staring at me curious look on his face I took a deep breath he then looked concern

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he said I looked at him worried he saw what was on my phone

"We get there in a few minutes " I said he smiled and nodded at me I nodded back why was he so cute?

"Can I see your schedule?" He asked I nodded I always kept my schedule on me just in case I handed it to him and he compared ours his smile went wide

"We have all the same classes!" He beamed I bit my lip trying not to laugh I haven't laughed in years since my Dad married HER but I couldn't help it I let out a laugh he looked at me with admiration I then scolded myself and went back to a scowl he frowned at that

" Well at least I'll know someone" he said I nodded again I want to hang out with him but he will be picked on for hanging out with me I don't want that my friends Percy and Jason don't get picked on because there popular and there girlfriend's don't either cause there pretty and smart and athletic Leo is good with machines so when someone needs something repaired they go to him so he doesn't get picked on he also makes cringy jokes Frank looks scary but is really a harmless puppy and his girlfriend my half sister Hazel who lives with her mother Marie is the sweetest girl in school so she is treated with respect now why they all are friends with me I have know idea but they don't know about the bullying I wish to keep it that way

"Nico..Nico.....Nico!" I snapped out of my thoughts and look at Will he smiles shaking his head

"Where here" he said I got up and followed Will off the bus Will looks at me and I shook my head holding a smile back and lead him to our first hour math with ...ugh Ms.Dodds I hate her she always says my female pronouns and names the class doesn't know why they think she is just picking on me because I do look like a boy a lot I come to master it since my Dad won't let me get on testosterone till I'm 18 so until then I became a master at looking like a boy

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