We'll Just Talk

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'Todays the day! The sun is shining, the birds are chirping!'
Izuku sighed in content, pretending to be one of those teenagers from the movies who looked out their window dreamily as they woke.
'Oh who am I kidding. Today's the day I make that bastard's life a living hell. I'll make sure he regrets ever crossing paths with me.'
Midoriya watched himself in the mirror, his smile huge with excitement and his green eyes lit with joy, oh so much joy shone in those huge spiteful eyes.
"Oh how my Kacchan is going to be so surprised when he gets a sight of me!!" Midoriya sang to himself.
"Izuku, Midoriya, your being released now." An older lady said with a bored expression.
Midoriya jumped up with excitement and grabbed the few things he owned and practically ran out the building.
"Goodbye you fuckin pricks and hellooooo freeddommm"
The greenette got into a taxi that drove him to the school. Even though he still had to meet with mommy dearest he didn't want to waste any precious time that could be spent making Katsuki's life the hell he deserved.
He was already fifteen minutes late, but that didn't mean anything to him. He slammed the door open to class 1-A and of course everyone stared, why wouldn't they?
"Sorry I'm late teach."
Izuku smirked and looked around the room. 'Ahh there's that face I've missed. Not! Ha could you tell I was being sarcastic?'
He rolled his eyes, waiting for the teacher to speak.
"Take a seat Mr.?"
"Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya"
He saw Kachann's eyes widen and his shoulders tense up as he introduced himself, making Izuku even more ecstatic about going to school with him and getting revenge.
He walked up to Bakugou and got as close as he could, a musky sent filling his nose as he whispered in his ear quietly.
"Remember me Kacchan? I'm baaccckkkkk." Izuku loves the way Katsuki reacted, it only encouraged him to keep going.
"I hope you haven't forgotten about me, but by judging how you reacted when I introduced myself, well that's enough proof to say that you forgot about Lil ol me."
He felt him tense up even more and chuckled as he took the seat behind him.
The teacher started talking again about a schedule and how things were going to work, but Midoriya wasn't paying any attention. Soon enough the bell rang and everyone walked out to their next class.
"Oh Kacchan did you miss me? Did ya?? Oh I know you did. Don't deny it!"
He grabbed Katsuki by his collar and pushed him against the wall, running his hands through his hair and making sure to give it a hard yank.
"THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING DEKU. WHY ARE YOU BACK? YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!!" Katsuki screamed at the green haired male as he shoved him off of himself.
"You can't get rid of me that easily Kacchan and guess what? I'm stronger now and I'm no longer weak and soon enough I'll get you back. Oh how we'll have loads of fun."
Midoriya smirked and walked away from a stunned Katsuki.
"This is going to be a great first year."
He sang out, getting the attention of the students coming out of their classrooms.


Katsuki hadn't seen Izuku since earlier that morning.
'That damn bastard why was he here?'
He banged his fist on the table, infuriated with the thoughts going through his head.
'There's no way that's actually him, not a chance in hell.'
"Kaccchhannnnn my loooovvveee!!"
He heard a taunting voice, causing him to cringe at how overly joyous it was.
Green curls came loose as Midoriya skipped over to where Bakugou was sitting.
'God I want to wipe that smirk off his face.'
"Awe now that's not the proper way to say hi to your long lost childhood friend now is it Kacchan?"
Midoriya replied pouting.
Bakugou just wanted him to leave.
'Why is he bothering me?'
Red eyes looked at him annoyed as the greenette sat next to him, a lot closer than needed.
"I've missed yoouuuuu."
Izuku leaned in close whispering into his ear as he caressed the side of his face looking at him with a sadistic grin.
Katsuki yelled, pushing him away, causing everyone to stare.
"I just want to talk Kacchan is that so bad??"
The blond groaned and stared at the boy in front of him.
"Fine we can talk, but if you pull anything I'll end you."
"Oh Kacchan you won't do anything to me. Now get up and follow me."
Midoriya's stare got dark as he removed himself from the chair, walking out into the hall. Bakugou followed.
They got to the roof of the school and Izuku just stared, he didn't say a thing.
"What! Did ya bring me here to fuckin stare at me all day shitty deku?"
He growled out, irritated with Midoriya's antics.
"You're wasting my damn t-.."
He was cut off by a unexpected punch to his nose, stunned as blood dripped down onto his lips, the metallic taste creeping its way into his mouth.
'What the fuck.'
Before he could react he felt another hit, but this time it was a kick to his stomach, causing him to double over in pain, coughing and trying to catch his breath. He looked up and Izuku was smiling widely, staring down at him. "How does it feel Kacchan? How does it feel to be the one in pain?"
Another punch was thrown and then another. They just kept coming, never stopping. Bakugou felt like he was going to pass out. "What the fuck... are you... doing deku..?"
He barely managed to say, panting.
"Remember all those times Kacchan? All those times you hurt me? You told me to kill myself. You bullied me constantly and I never understood why. Well this, this is payback. You're going to feel how I felt until you can no longer handle it, until eventually you'll be nothing, but a shell of a wasted soul."
Midoriya spoke with hatred, he had this look in his eyes that Katsuki couldn't describe.
He didn't say anything back. He couldn't speak. He felt like his world was spinning he couldn't stay awake and he passed out to the sight of Izuku smiling down at what he'd done.

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