First Memory

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He made up his mind on where to go, and then he pictured it in his mind.

You just need to believe you are there.

I know.

Rythian felt like he had done it a hundred times before, a thousand, a million, for over a millennium as he felt something come over him. A warping feeling, as he could feel his body beginning to pixelate. The spectrum surrounded him, glowing, pulsing, and growing increasingly blinding. It was slightly disorientating, but he knew it was a temporary issue. It was. He was then flung, so fast and so simply, into the twisting Helix of glowing, radiant color that bound to his soul.

Heh. A Helix. Very clever, Lord Helix.

Hey I didn't make these things!

The colors twisted around him, a soft humming was heard. He could hear his song, that last song he sang for Zoey. He wanted to cover his ears, but then he didn't, because it reminded him of her happiness.

Soon. He thought. I'd save you soon.

Rythian found himself standing in front of Zoey, staring at a computer, in shock. He had transported himself to the moment Zoey revealed her passion for science, and now stood in a lab, facing a computer with his own name on it. And now he knew what he was to do.

"Zoey... I don't care." He said, replacing what he knew he said before. Zoey looked up at him, surprised.

"I don't care. Right now... We need to save Tee. And Science, or no Science, you're still my friend, my apprentice. It makes no difference." He said, and her face lit up. He smiled, realising he had succeeded.

Or so he thought.

"Rythian... I know you don't like Science! Why did you lie to me like that, why?" She screamed, after saving the Dinosaur. And that was it, the end of the story. He stood in shock as he stared at half an empty bed, and re-lived the pain of Zoey leaving him. And he realised he failed.

God... That was a shit move. Well done Rythian. Well done.

And then a nuke, and then her death. And then Rythian knew he could only try again.

One More Chance, he promised himself.

One More Chance, he would do it right.

One More Chance.

*** *** ***

He began from the same place, as Zoey screamed at him. Then he grabbed her, and held her close. She struggled at first, then she relaxed.

"I love you." He said simply, and then there was peace. He thought maybe, that was it. That was all he needed to do. Maybe that would be enough to save her. Then Zoey hugged him, returning her feelings, but then she let go with a bitter smile.

"You know it. You don't." She said.

Game Over said something in his head. Helix had been watching him, and that wad Helix telling Rythian it was not the correct place to have gone first.

But this is where we started, right? This is where Zoey left and ran, if it never happened, she would never have tried to defuse the bomb, and it never would have gone off!

Think harder Rythian. Think.

And that was it, Rythian sat cross-legged in the Void, thinking hard. Where had he gone wrong? Where was it that he made that fatal mistake? He sat there, and thought as hard as he could.

Where must he go then, if not there?

Am I to travel to a different time-line then?

If you want to.

But am I able to?

If you want to.

You're no help.

Then a chuckle, and then nothing. Rythian just sat and thought hard about himself. What was it that he did wrong, that caused Zoey's death? It was most definitely not only one occasion that caused her to die, he knew. But Rythian also knew it must have begun from somewhere. So as he sat and thought, he wondered what could have started it all.

"I failed to save her then," He mused out loud, finding it easier to think if he said things out loud. "What if I went back to... Maybe... Maybe!" He stood up, and a rather confused and amused chuckle could be heard from a certain person. Helix seemed to mutter something to himself, but Rythian heard nothing.

Where indeed... If only he would consider what was his biggest regret in life...

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