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He woke up the next morning, finding himself alone at the edge of the lake, again. He was still waiting for her to fall from the sky again. And then he'd bring her to Sick Bay. Like he always did, a hundred times over in this dream he thought was real. It was bliss. Blissful ignorance. But sometimes he thought it wasn't real, that it was merely a dream programmed into him.

Wake up Rythian.

Came a voice so loud and real. And he did.

Rythian found himself in a dark void, floating aimlessly. It was neither hot nor cold, neither did it seem to have an end. It was a merely space to exist in, no more, no less. He couldn't feel himself, but he knew that he existed. He couldn't move his fingers. Then he wondered if he even had fingers to begin with. Or legs, or arms, or a head, or a face. Then he heard a chuckle.

Finally. It took me so long to awaken you. How long did you intend to fool yourself? Living in delusions, what a way to spend your eternity.

... Who are you?

Ah, yes. How very rude of me. My name is Helix, but I ask of you to address me as Lord Helix. I am the Master of The Aether.

Like... Hades?

Similar. He is my brother, he rules over the Deep Dark. The Void... Is like a balance between Heaven and Hell. Or in this case, The Deep Dark and the Aether. The Void is nothingness. For people who have done so many things, it is impossible to tell if they're good or evil. Like you.

... Where's Zoey?

In the Aether, sadly. I apologise that you cannot find her just yet.


I awoke you to ask you something.

... What?

Do you love her?

With everything I am.

Do you want another chance, to save her?

That is barely a question.

Of course. What will you give in return?

... Anything...

Then he heard another chuckle, and then, bright light. He was surrounded by an entire spectrum of color, circling him. Then he realised he could move his arms. And then he had legs. His clothes appeared on his body, everything finally appearing as he floated in the spectrum. Then a twisting Helix bound to him, plunging him down.

Down, down, down, he fell, and then he landed on a ground. It hurt not, for he landed on his feet. Rythian inspected his hands, covered hin bindings. And he found he had a white coat on, along with a scarf that replaced his cloak. Not that he minded very much, it was just more comforting in knowing that he was still who he once believed he was. Then he looked around in this empty white room. It was empty as far as he could see, but again he could barely see past that white foggy area, of which the silhouette of a man could be seen. A winged man, glowing a bright golden hue. So bright, he could have been blinded. He could see now, clearly, a man with long white hair tied up behind him, a white tunic with gold hems. It was clear that he was a sort of Godlike figure, but Rythian felt no fear. This man was smiling, he appeared young. Then he spoke.

"Hello Rythian."

"Um. Hello."

"Come, let us walk." He said, throwing an arm around Rythian's shoulders, and leading him through the white room. Then it didn't seem so white after all.

Images flew past him, images of a Stronghold, of Ghost and Willow, of Mooshrooms, and of Pools. He could see Zoey's laugh, that beautiful smile that he knew he would never forget. He was seeing his own past before his eyes, agonising no doubt, but he savoured ever moment he had to remember them, precious gems, far more important than anything he could ever imagine.

"Look at all these... You made plenty of mistakes, haven't you Rythian?" Lord Helix said, releasing his shoulder and placing both hands behind his back with a sort of peaceful stance. Rythian only stared at the image of Zoey's cheerful laugh, fixated, hypnotised, mesmerised. Then he tore his eyes away from it, and nodded.

"Yeah. I have." He mumbled, and Lord Helix chuckled, infuriating as it was, Rythian wondered what was so amusing about himself to that God. Then he looked at Rythian with a smile.

"So you said you'd give anything for another chance?"


"Are you sure?"


"Then it shall be so. I will give you an infinite number of times to re-live moments of your life, to redo the things you had done wrong, and save Zoey's life. But I hope that only one time would be needed to save her. And in return, you must sacrifice something."

"What is it, Mi'lord?"

"Well..." There was a long pause as the images flew past him, faster and faster until there were no more images to see. Then nothing. Then Rythian was plunged into darkness, and Lord Helix vanished. But his booming voice remained.

Your Mortal Existance. Are you sure, Rythian?

Yes... For her... I will give anything.

How very noble of you...

Just one last question.

Go ahead.

I thought the three Gods were Xephos, Ridgedog and-

Oh, that's a common misconception. You never asked who the God of the Void was, however.

Then who-

Time's-a-wasting Rythian! Better get moving now, aye?

And then suddenly, all was calm. Rythian closed his eyes, memories flashing past him. And he then knew where he wanted to go first.

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