Author's Note

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Hey guys,

I really hope you like that story. It's the first I have ever posted so I beg for mercy!!!

Also, English isn't my first language/mother tongue. I'm from Berlin, Germany and I'm trying my best to get everthing right.

However, I know there will be mistakes. Whether it's grammar or spelling or simply using words the wrong way...

I WOULD LOVE IF ONE OF YOU'D BE MY BETA READER... so please feel free to text me!

Okay enough now! I hope you like it

Please give some feedback! Even if it's bad, I can deal with it as long as you stay polite ;)

The cover photo was made by myself. It's a very blury pic of Granville Street, Vancouver (Canada) by night ;)

PS: Please don't copy this story! It's all mine and it should stay like that!

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