1st Changeling Integration Meeting

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Thorax beamed at his wife.

She beamed back.

"And I'll call every chance I have-"

"-which is any time you're not doing your actual job-"

"-I left plenty of food for you to eat, or to cook-"

"-except for the-"

"-nopony told me that there are so many types of sugar, how was I supposed to-"

"-it's a lot more than two-"

"-no wonder-"

"Mom, Dad, the train?" Lilac prompted them.

Thorax and Raspberry turned to their first child. Lilac looked impatiently at them, then the train. Her parents blinked blankly. Lilac face clawed.

"Oh!" Raspberry turned to Thorax. "She wants us to be parental."

Thorax took on a more serious expression. He turned to Lilac. "Did you want the Talk?"

"I want to get on the train!" The dragon reminded them.

Raspberry laughed. She patted Thorax's cheek, giving him one more beaming smile. When she turned to Lilac she was much more somber. She had a masterful poker face, an expression worthy of comparison with Celestia and Luna's. There was something deeply troubling in her face. It made Lilac tense up, battle ready.

Before Lilac could ask anything there was a loud thump from the other side of the station. Lilac looked over.

Rarity stood with the rest of the Mane 6. Spike had just dropped in more luggage to the train.

"There you are, Rarity! That's the last of your bags." Spike cheered.

"Actually, Spike, I've got one last pile of bags, over there. Won't you be a dear?" Rarity motioned to a larger pile of luggage.

"Sure... I'll be a dear..." Spike went over to the bags.

Raspberry sighed. Thorax draped a wing over her side.

"An entire week in the fabulous city of Manehattan! Plus, all of my very best friends there with me!" Rarity cheered.

"Wow. Feeling the love, Rarity." Raspberry snarked.

Rarity waved a hoof. "You know I love you too, darling. You'll be supporting me in your own way!"

"You've learned." Raspberry complimented.

"Of course those of us who could would come along to support you during Fashion Week, Rarity!" Twilight cheered.

"Not that you'll need it. We're sure you'll win." Fluttershy praised.

Rarity cheered loudly in delight. "I can't begin to tell you how excited I am that you'll all be there with me!" Rarity opened one of her suitcases. She pulled out multiple tickets. "However... Perhaps I can show you..."

"What's that?" Twilight asked, confused.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh, I know! A paper fan!" Pinkie guessed. Raspberry laughed.

"No, it's-" Rarity began.

"A magic trick! You know, where I pick a card and remember what it is and then you put it back in the deck so you can't look at it and-" Pinkie babbled.

Rarity walked towards her friends, talking over Pinkie. "These are tickets to the hottest musical on Bridleway!"

"You couldn't mean Hinny of the Hills... because that show's been sold out for months!" Twilight stated. "Or could you?!"

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