What Kind of Woman Am I? Part 2

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"Tirek is set on possessing Alicorn magic. When he comes for us, we cannot have what he is looking for." Luna explained.

Twilight braced herself. "I am more than willing to do my part and give up my magic." She tried to forget about Morgan, to push any thoughts of that away. The last thing Twilight needed was to worry about Raspberry.

"You misunderstand. Our magic cannot just disappear into thin air. Somepony must keep it safe." Luna added.

"That somepony is you, Twilight." Cadence revealed.

Even more reason for Morgan to be here, Twilight thought. No pony could protect the magic better than Morgan. Morgan could leave this reality for a different one. Why wasn't she here?

Then again, her last plan had been to convince Celestia to trust Discord. Maybe it was supposed to be Twilight and her friends finding Tirek. Morgan changed that- for the worse. It's up to Twilight to fix it.

"Why me?" Twilight asked.

"We do not believe that Tirek is aware that a fourth or fifth Alicorn princess exists in Equestria." Celestia answered. "If we transfer our magic to you, Tirek will not know where it has gone."

"Morgan could take it!" Twilight argued.

"She's a powerful alicorn, yes, but this task is not for her." Cadance explained. "Do you understand what we're asking of you?"

"Yes. It's just... I'm only now learning how to control my own Alicorn magic." Twilight spent the past few months working with Morgan. Both of them practiced their magics, trying to control it. Twilight suspected that it would unlock the box. Morgan just needed proper practice. "To take on even more–"

"Twilight, you represent the Element of Magic. If there is anypony who can do this, it's you." Cadance explained. "Morgan would agree."

Twilight braced herself. "Taking on this task will be one of the most difficult things I'll ever do, but with the help of my friends–"

"I'm sorry, Princess Twilight, but you must keep your new abilities a secret. I fear that your friends being aware of your new power could put them at great risk. Morgan is only being trusted with this secret on account of her foreknowledge. Nopony else can know." Celestia asked. "Do you still think you can take on this responsibility?"

Your time is coming soon

You'll play your part

Morgan gave Twilight a warning. She shouldn't be so foolish to let it slip by again.

"This is the role I am meant to play as a princess of Equestria!" Twilight promised. "I will not fail to do my duty!"

"Then we must begin at once." Celestia stated. Her horn glowed a brilliant gold, like sunlight.

Luna and Cadance's horns glowed as well.

Magic swirled off their horns. The magic shot at Twilight. Twilight expected it to hurt. Instead the power settled over her. It hurt, yes, but only for a moment.

Twilight opened her eyes. Her fellow princesses- the ponies she looked up to the most- laid on the floor. All three princesses had heavy bags under their eyes.

Twilight rushed over, hugging Celestia. To her horror, Celestia's cutiemark was gone. Twilight checked Luna and Cadance. Their marks were gone too.

"It is done."


Raspberry woke up to darkness.

She hadn't expected that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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