Mother's Pride

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Morgan blinked.

Dynamite blinked back, still beaming wide and proud at herself.

Thorax, at her side, was tapping the lid of his mug.

"I was listening but I need you to repeat that whole thing again." Morgan stated.

Dynamite rolled her eyes. "Pinkie Pie asked me to help make something for Rainbow Dash's party."

"And you...wanted to build a bomb."

"It won't be like last time!" Dynamite promised.

"You mean last time, when the bomb you built was radioactive? That last time?" Morgan asked.

"You said it was Discord's fault in the first place!" Dynamite excused.

Thorax pat Morgan on the shoulder. "Tap in."

Morgan nodded. She sat back in her seat, eyes unseeing while Thorax leaned forward.

"Promise not to start nuclear fallout?"

"Yes!" Dynamite promised. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

Thorax beamed. "Then of course you can! Have fun helping Pinkie!"

Dynamite squealed. She flew over, giving Thorax a hug. "Thanks Dad!" She dashed out of the house, flying towards what could only be Sugarcube Corner.

"You should hope this doesn't come to bite back in twenty years." Morgan pointed out. Thorax tilted his head. "What if we need her to build a nuclear bomb? Or she does it unintentionally and it blows? You've given her a death curse."

Thorax broke out a smile. "Don't give me your anxiety. It's yours, not mine."

Morgan smirked into her mug.

Thorax pointedly ignored it.


Pinkie had just sung a song.

To anyone who knew her, this was the best part of Raspberry's week.

Yes there was a lot she loved in her day-to-day life. She loved walking her kids to school. She loved conferencing with Twilight (meaning, she annoyed Twilight until Twilight started pulling out her mane). She loved working on her Plans, crafting them for now and the future. She loved training with her kids.

But something that was fun just for the sake of being fun?

Pinkie had never let her down.

Not all women? You're right.

Raspberry threw herself into the song sweeping the town.

"Every single day there's something new we can plan for!" Raspberry sang, loudly and happily. "Every single day there's something wonderful to try. But nothing makes us happy like a day that we can say 'Today there'll be a party planned by Pinkie Pie!'"

Pinkie stretched out a banner on the dirt in front of Sugarcube Corner. She danced around it, painting it with rainbows and sparkles. Raspberry watched, overjoyed. Pinkie's friends watched too.

"I don't know how she does it." Rarity praised.

"Wow, look at her go!" Twilight cheered.

"Oh, boy! This is gonna be good!" Applejack commented.

"Go, Pinkie, go!" Fluttershy whispered.

"You can do it!" Raspberry shouted.

"There's no other pony like her, no pony that could be As great! (As great!) As fun! (As fun!) As our super party pony Pinkie!" The crowd finished.

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