spaghetti time

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As we walk towards the strange horse- statue building, link runs toward the desk jutting out from the side of one of its walls.

" This is a stable. You can register horses here. also sleep. also can cook here. that's about it." link says in a monotone voice. " well, this side quest is done. see you never, Skelly." he starts to walk away. i feel... hurt somehow. I've never felt these... feelings for anyone before...

" hey, WAIT!" i shout and run after him.

" What do you want? I completed the side quest."

" no you didn't link..."

" awwwww... k'mon Zelds. let me go. I don't like to be stared at all the time."

" you're lying link..."

link blushes and looks away from me. I blush as well. Wait.... no... I'm not gay... I can't be.... Right?

"no!" link shouts and breaks into a sprint. i run after him, my tall stature is a good thing for once. I easily catch up to him.

" What do you want Skelly?" Link is crying... I thought he was a cold-hearted human, I guess I was wrong.

" link... My name is Papyrus. I would like you to stop calling me 'Skelly'." I tell him.

My shock to that link is crying is noticeable. He looks at me.

" I-I'm sorry." he then hugs me. His head only goes up to my ribs. a wave of shock courses through my bones. Before I know it I'm rock-hard.

" W-why don't we go back to the stable? I-I'll make you some Spaghetti?" i say to him.

"Yeah... sorry, man. It's just- It's been so long since I've hugged someone..."

" It's F-fine." I say back to him.

" Wait... One question... Are you hard?"  link asks me. I blush badly.

" N-no..." I look away.

" Dude, you totally are!" He laughs.


" To what? sexy people?" he punches me in the hip and runs. I run after him.

" W-Wait!" I yell.

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