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Jonah's P.O.V

My name is Jonah Marais and I'm 16 years old.  I came out as bi a few months ago. All my friends and family are really accepting and supporting about it. But to me the most important thing is that Corbyn -my best friend ever- is supporting. And a month after I came out he actually came out as gay. And that made me so happy.


"Jonah!" Corbyn shouts from downstairs.

"I'll be down in a minute!" I answer checking myself in the mirror one last time.

Today is the day. I'm going to confess to him, tell him what I feel for him. I have loved him for a few months now. And I know that love is a strong word, but I also know that I love him. I love everything about him. 

I nervously smile at myself in the mirror before leaving my room and walking down the stairs to Corbyn who is sitting in the living room.

"Hii Jo!" He smiles sounding so excited.

"Hey." I say smiling at his cuteness.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks standing up.

"Go where?" 

I'm confused. I didn't know we were going somewhere. He has never said anything about that. Is he just expecting that I should know what he's talking about?

"It's a surprise!" He says taking my hand. "You'll see when we get there."

The skin on my hand tingles and I feel the butterflies starting to come alive in my belly. This happens everytime he touches me or says something really sweet and adorable. And that's another sign that I'm in love.

As we get out of the house he starts walking in the direction that leads out of town. And he's not letting go of my hand. He's holding it in a tight, but still gently grip and his thumb is slowly rubbing over the outside of my hand. It doesn't seem to have any effect on him while my cheeks are slowly starting to heat up.

"Jonah?" Corbyn the suddenly says turning to me.

"Yeah?" I say. 

"Do you know how long we've been friends for?" He asks giving me one of his sweet smiles.

"Eh..." I say not remembering exactly. "Around eight years..."

"To be exact it's eight years and three months." He corrects me. "I still remember the day you came up to me when I was alone at the break. I was new on the school and I didn't have any friends yet. You asked if I wanted to play with you. So we started chasing each other around the school yard..."

The butterflies come to my belly again as I hear how happy he is talking about me and our friendship. His smile is so wide and he has a happy and excited tone.

"Yeah. And then we started hanging out every break. Sometimes we would just sit on the swings and sing our favourite songs together." I smile at the memories.

Corbyn looks right into my eyes and I feel like I'm going to melt as he smiles his beautiful smile. Then we both stop and he moves closer to me. My heart starts beating really fast. But then he puts a blindfold on me and the moment is gone.

"We're soon there now." He says taking a tighter grip around my hand. "I'll lead you."

A few minutes later he stops and I can feel him letting go of my hand.

"I hope you'll like it..." He says before removing the blindfold.

We are at the our secret place in the forest only a few minutes outside of the town. It's the forest we used to go to when we needed to talk to each other or just be alone for a minute. Our secret place is a small lake in the middle of the pretty small forest. It's really cosy here.

"Corbs. Of course I like it!" I say the same second as I notice that something is different.

Beside the lake there is a blanket, a picnick basket and some flowers. A smile appears on Corbyn's face as he starts walking. As we get closer I see my favourite cake on the blanket. And that's when I realise that Corbyn has something really important to tell me. If not than he wouldn't have made a big thing.

"Corbyn..." I say as we sit down.

"Yeah?" He says smiling as he gives me a piece of the cake.

"Is there something you want to tell me? Because you know you can tell me everything..."

"You know me so well... I'm just scared that our friendship will be ruined and I don't want to lose you. But I can't keep this to myself forever. You should know what it is... Because we tell each other everything."

Without thinking I take his hand in mine and squeeze it before bringing it to my lips and give it a peck.

"Corbs. You can tell me everything. I won't ever leave you. You mean so much to me and as you said earlier we've been friends for over eight years. If I lose you I will lose half of me and half of everything that has made me the person I am today. Because you have such a big influence in my life..." I say.

"Thank you..." He says. "Can you close your eyes for a second?"

"If it makes it easier for you to tell me I'll do it. I'll do anything for you..." I say meaning every single word.

I then close my eyes and wait for him to start talking. But instead I feel him letting go of my hand and suddenly his lips are on mine. They are so soft and fit perfect with mine. I pull him closer to me and wrap my arms around his waist. I feel him wrapping his arms around my neck and one of his hands starts playing with my hair. I smile against his lips and soon I feel him smile too.

When we pull away he keeps his eyes closed and rests his forhead on mine. I kiss his nose and take his hands in mine.

"Corbyn. I've been wanting to tell you this for a few months now but I've been so scared. But now I'm strong enough now. So here goes nothing." I say taking a deep breath as he opens his eyes. "I Love you Bean."

"I love you too..." He whispers looking right into my eyes.

I then bring him in for a tight hug. I rub his back and feel him smile against my shoulder.

"This place had so many beautiful memories, but this is my favourite one yet..." He says warming my heart.

I smile at how he says yet. It gives me hope for the futere. Maybe we'll give each other promise rings here. Or other rings... Oh my god! I really hope we'll get married one day. Wow. I'm only 16 and I hope we'll get married one day...

"Same here. But I know there will be many more beautiful memories here. As long as you are with me everything will be beautiful because you are beautiful. And I love you so much." I say.

"As long as I have you everything will be okay..."

I wrote all of this now. I usually write my chapters in google docs at least a few days before I post them but I wrote all of this here on wattpad. It's 1175 words and I'm actually proud of myself that could write this even though I have a lot on my mind... 


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