Eight Letters

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Jonah's P.O.V

"I love it Jonah!" Zach exclaims. "I really think we should use this lyric. Do you have a name for the song?"

"Yeah..." I answer. "I don't know if it's good, but i thought maybe eight letters..."

"You are a genius! You need to show the others!" He says giving me the paper back.

I smile as he leaves the room to get the other boys. It's not my best lyrics, but clearly Zach loved it really much so it can't hurt to show the boys to. The only thing is that it may get a bit awkward between me and Corbyn because-

"Show them the lyrics now, Jonah!" Zach says coming back into the room with the others.

"I can sing it if you want to..." I say.

In the next moment I regret it because realise it will be even more awkward to sit there and sing the lyrics in front of Corbyn, but it's too late because of course Zach loves the idea.

"Yesss! Do you really have the melody to?" Zach happily.

"Yeah... The lyric came to my mind as I was humming the melody..." I answer.

"Okay." Daniel says. "Show us now. I want to know if it is as good as Zach says."

I take a deep breath and look through the lyrics remembering the melody. I then start to hum on it before I start singing to get into the right melody.

"You know me the best. You know my worst, see me hurt, but you don't judge. That, right there, is the scariest feeling. Opening and closing up again. I've been hurt so I don't trust. Now here we are, staring at the ceiling..." I let the words flow out as I try not to look at Corbyn.

"And then the chorus..." Zach says.

"If all it is is eight letters. Why is it so hard to say? If all it is is eight letters. Why am I in my own way?" I continue.

All the guys applause and I blush.

"I don't have the whole chorus, but I have a name for the song..." I say. "Eight letters."

"Sounds good." Daniel answers.

"Yeah." Jack nods.

I look at Corbyn and try to read his facial expression, but I can't... He kind of looks sad, or maybe concentrated or questioning... I'm usually good at reading his face, but now it's really hard. I don't know why...

"What do you think, Corbyn?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady as I'm kind of nervous for his response.

"I really like it." He smiles and I calm down. He then adds "What are those eight letters?"

I am about to answer when I realise how wrong it will sound. Well, actually it wouldn't sound wrong because I actually feel that for him and he is the inspiration to the song... But I don't want them to know.

"I love you." I answer anyways.

"Awww!" Zach says looking at me.

I blush and look down hoping non of the other boys notices. I think Zach has figured out that I like Corbyn, but I don't think he'll tell the others. He is that one guy who always keeps secrets and promises and even though he sometimes seems kind of dumb he knows what he can say and what he can't.

"I really liked the lyric, but I need to call my mom back because someone named Zach ended our call." Daniel says, but is quick to add "I really liked the song though. Don't get me wrong! It's just that it was an important call."

"We should probably go to, Zachary." Jack says smiling at Zach. "I wanna cuddle."

"Sure!" Zach smiles back. "Again, great song Jonah. We should definitely do something with it!"

So with that I am left alone with Corbyn and we awkwardly smile at each other. We are best friends and all, but it's kind of awkward to talk after you just sang a love song to your best friend. I guess he doesn't know it was for him, but it's still awkward. Because I can't talk normal to him right now.

"Jonah..." Corbyn slowly says and I walk over to him.

"Yeah, Corbs. What is it?" I ask as I sit down on my bed beside him.

"Who is that song for? We are best friends and I thought you would tell me when you found someone you were interested in..." He says. "I mean we have been through a lot together and always supported each other..."

"Yeah, I know..." I answer feeling guilty. "I want to tell you, but you know I'm not good at trusting people ever since what happened with Emma, my last girlfriend..."

"I know it's hard, Jo. But I thought you could trust me with that... You have told me bigger secrets than that."

"I know... And I do trust you with this secret because the trust isn't the biggest issue in this case..." I tremble.

"Then what is it?" Corbyn asks confused and upset.

"I can't tell you..."

I feel so bad as I sit there and see my best friend slowly breaking because of me. But I can't tell him, because everything will be so strange and complicated between us if he doesn't feel the same. And I don't think he does.

But I just can't sit here and watch as he breaks. So I pull his chin up making him look at me. I then lay a hand on his cheek.

"Maybe I'm going to make a big mistake now, but I can't just sit here knowing you are hurting..." I whisper.

Before he gets the chance to say anything I lean in and press my lips against his warm ones. It feels so right and I don't want it to end, but I it has to. I can't do this. He is my best friend and no matter how right it feels I know it's going to ruin our friendship...

I pull away and look at Corbyn who has his eyes closed. He slowly opens them when he feels that my lips are gone. Our eyes meet and we stare at each other for a moment.

"The song is for you, Corbyn. You are my inspiration to the song..." I whisper keeping my eyes on him. "You have been my friend for so long and you have seen me broken, hurt, mad, sad and happy. There is not a single emotion I haven't showed you. You have seen everything of me, but you are still here. You never left. I can't thank you enough for that. So that song is for you and those eight letters are also for you. I love you, Corbs..."

I don't know what I expect Corbyn to answer, but I am a bit surprised when he takes my hands in his.

"Jonah. I never thought this would happen. But here we are and my best friend just confessed his feelings for me. But he isn't only my best friend. He is also my world, my soulmate and my everything. I don't think he made a big mistake when he kissed me. I think he made both our lives better." Corbyn smiles as he kisses the outside of my hands. "And that's why I am going to say the eight letters back to him. I love you. Okay, Jonah? I love you so much!"

A tear leaves my eye and I smile at him. He gives me one of his beautiful smiles back as he wipes my tear away.

"I didn't mean to make you cry, Marias. I hate seeing cry. Especially knowing it's my fault..." He whispers.

"You can do like I did, when I didn't want to see you cry." I hint smiling a little more.

"Gladly..." He whispers before leaning in and connecting our lips for the second time.

When we pull away for air I let my forehead rest against his as I rub our noses together. Corbyn who still has his eyes closed starts to giggle and opens his eyes to look at me.

"I love you so much, gorgeous..." I whisper looking him right in the eyes.

"I love you too." He giggles blushing.

Gosh how I love this boy!

So this is one of the second One Shot I wrote, but I haven't posted it yet and I don't know why becuase I like it. I hope you do too<3


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