My cousin whoo??

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Yn Pov :So I'm im my room with my chickaas.We turnt up listening & dancing to music.But while we were dancing My husband , baee , baybehh , future ! song came on ! Damnn me & my friends was too hype but I was more hypee.I sung every word of kissing on my tattoos.

Me:*Sits down on my bed outtaa breath from singing* "Yoo I swear imaa marry August Alsina"I said to my friends.

Ariana:*Laughs* " No you not because Im gonna marry him first"She said looking at me.

Me:*Laughs&shakes my head*"We just gonna have to fight !"I said playfully.

Kayla:"Have some common sense he not gonna wanna date yall ! yall to you young."she said in a duhh tone.

I mean Kayla was right but love doesn't have an age.So there fore I have a chance with him.Time past & it was time for them to bounce.So I was chillinn in my room on instagram untill my mom busted thruu my room.

Mom:"Pack some clothes sweety because we gotta head to new Orleans tomorrow morning."she said looking at me.

Me:"Why"I asked questioning her.Im from New Orleans but moved.I didn't understand why we were going back because my life was tuff while we were living there.

Mom:"Because my sister is in the hospital.You know your aunt.She's just a lil sick in the hospital & I wanted to see her"she said sitting next to me.

Me:"Ohh , ok ill pack a few clothes"is what I said.I remember going to New Orleans seeing her & other family a few years back.She has kids which are my cousins but I just don't quite remember them.

So my when my mom left the room I automatically packed a few clothes.I took a shower & brushed my teeth.I hopped in the bed & feel asleep.I was a lil excited to go to New Orleans for some reason.


My mom came in my room & woke me up.I looked at my

clock on the dresser & seen that it was 6 in the am.Like damn a nigga don't wake up till like 12 in the afternoon.I got up threw on (in the comments).I headed downstairs with my book bag with my clothes in it.My mom was already ready.We kissed my dad goodbye because he wasn't coming because he had work later on today.I wasn't mad that he wasn't coming because you gotta Work hard & Grind for that money.We hopped in the car & prepared for the long car ride journey to New Orleans.


We finally made it to.New Orleans !! I kindaa miss it.My mom just woke me up.We stopped at the hotel we were staying in ,dropped our things off.Then we ate some food & made our way to the hospital.When we got to the hospital we went to the front desk & told us who were seeing & they gave us my aunt room.We were on our way to her room.

Me:"Mom do you think she'll remember me ?"I asked her while walking down the hall.

Mom:"Of course ! Anytime we are on the phone she always askes about you"she said stopping in front of what im guessing is her door.She knocked on the door & my aunt said come in.

My aunt:"Y/m/n !! Omgoshh is that Yn ? She gotten so big"she said smiling big at us.

Mom:"Mhmm yup her big ass bout to be taller than me."My mom said hugging her & laughing.

Yn:"Are you gettinn better ?"I asked giving her a big hug.

My Aunt:"Yeaa sweety , im supposed to be getting out of here in a couple of days but ill be even better if my nice sister would get me some cookies from the cafeteria "she said smiling.

Mom:"Alright fine I'll get you some ! Brb"She said walking out .

I sat down & started talking to my aunt.We took a selfie & I put it on instagram.While I was scrolling down instagram.Somebody came in the room I thought it was mom but I was wrong until my aunt said something.

My aunt:"Yn you remember my son?Your cousin?"she said.

???:"Omgoshh thats lil Y/n/n (Your nick name)Wow she all grown up now"That person said ,running over hugging me.

Me:I looked up from my phone,looked at that person & froze.I was looking at August Mf Alsina.I immediately hugged him back.I was face to face with my husband , Baee , Baybehh,& future !!...Wait so since hes my cousin he can't be my husband,baee,baybehh & future anymore."So were cousins?"I said confused

August:"Yeaa you don't remembaa me"he said sounding a lil disappointed.

Me:"Uhh"it all clicked to me I remembered him ! he would always be singing.He used to never let me play with him because he was older than me !! But then he let me play with him one day & we made a hand shake.AND we vowed to be best cousins ever."Omgoshh I remember you August !! Your talkinn about me all grown-up look at you ! your August Alsina"I said looking at him.

August:*Chuckles* Yupp remember best cousins ever !! he said reminiscing.

When he said that it's like we both read each other mind.We did our best cousin hand shake.After when we were down with the hand shake , that's when it finally hit me.Kayla was right I'm never gonna marry August Alsina because hes my freakinn COUSIN !! The girls aren't gonna believe this .


Hey yall so I finally made the imagine book obviously.So the next chapter is gonna be a lil something from my co-Writer.Sorry for any mistakes.Vote & comment !! Peace out bitchess !

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