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Jack's POV

I was sitting down on one of the spruce trees, hiding from the snowball fight, I wanted to make sure that I stayed hidden, I was aiming for Jamie.

Just as I saw him, a loud noise immersed in the sky, the sky opened up to reveal a red sleigh, filled with so much technology that it could beat a BMW.

I sighed an gathered everyone that was joining the snowball fight,

"Hey, alright guys, I'm gonna have to skip this round" I said as the kids sighed.

"That's okay Jack, Maybe you can join the next round?" Jamie said with hope in his eyes.

"He won't be back for many rounds." The man in red said, North, the leader of the guardians.

"Aww, fine, I get it with you being a guardian and all." Jamie and the kids said waving good bye, we walked a short path into the forest, I was sure North had this serious look on, he only does that when something is terribly wrong.

"Alright, what is it this time?" I said as I hopped on his sleigh,

"You are good with girls yes?" North said with his Russian accent.

"What kinda question is that?" I said with a smirk.

"Forget I asked, anyway, we are going to Norway Arendalle, something strange is happening there and I need you to check it out." Arendelle? It sounds, familiar.

"And?" I asked still not convinced

"A Queen is involved, a guardian is needed, since she knows every part of the kingdom."

"Fine, but why me?, I mean why can't Tooth do it?"

"You have similarities with this girl, you will notice this soon." He said with a huff and we entered one of his snow globe portals.

"Now Jack, remember, do not be rough with this one, she is special." North said

"Yeah, yeah, I won't." I replied and hopped off the sleigh. I stood in awe at the sight of Arendelle, and it's amazing waters, Man, I wish I could freeze those waters.

"Oh, and Jack, you better wear this just in case someone will see you." North said tossing me some clothes.

"You have to fit in, they aren't used to the modern world."

"Yeah, Like these peope believe in me."

"Just wear the clothes." North said as he waved of.

I wen't to the nearest bathroom. I'm invisble sure, but I still have the decency to change in a bathroom. I realized something, these were my old clothes in Burgess, The fun memories came back, me playing with Emma, skating in the frozen lake, saving..... my little sister. I sighed and left the room, I stood and closed my eyes.

"Wind, take me to the castle" I said and I flew off.

Elsa's POV

We were pacing through the palace, arguing so loud that the whole castle might have been disturbed, Anna wanted to throw a party for Olaf's first summer experience, I wanted to throw the party too, but I had more important meetings.

"PLEASE ELSA!!!!!!" Anna pleaded.

"Enough Anna." I said for the hundreth time.

"Why not!" She said as she opened the door.

"Because the Grand Meeting is on the same date." I replied nonchalantly.

"Please!!!!!" She pleaded more.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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