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I finished eating my chips then went to get ready for where ever Alex was taking me

I got dress into this

I did my make up and Alex came into the bathroom and put his arms around my waist

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I did my make up and Alex came into the bathroom and put his arms around my waist

A: hey sexy

E: Alex stop

A: what did I do

E: nothing... can you get out

A: babe

E: Alex get out please

A: okay *leaves*

E: damn

Alex POV* I don't know what happened but I will give her space

I get out and see Alex on his phone and I take it

A: what the hell Elena

E: what I can't have your phone

I look down and I see a order for rings (engagment rings)

E:babe what are these

A: nothing *takes back phone*

E: what the fuck Alex 

A: what 

E: you know what I'm not going

A: Elena stop 

E: no Alex you stop you are hella aggy

A: I'm aggy you ask for food I give it to you you fall asleep then wake up wanting more food. then I ask you to get dress so that we can go some where special to both of us. Then  I hug you and you tell me to get out. Elena I love you and I don't want to lose you but I can't when you won't let me in Elena Alveraz

E: I'm sorry that I am hungry all the time and always tried. I'm sorry that I want you right now but I can't stand you right now all at the same time

A: Elena it's okay just let me in please

E: I'm sorry

A: stop

E: what 

A: saying sorry just stop

E: okay

Alex gets up and leaves you

The New Boy(Alex Guzman/Blesiv)Where stories live. Discover now