Grave of The Fanfic

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This was formally a normal fanfic and this is the corpse of that book.

Fanfics Title:
《Pervert》 Shinsou Hitoshi X Reader

Mineta isn't the only little pervert in the school; It's not your fault you like to admire hotties it's in human nature.

Who said girls can't be preverted?


Struggling to keep my eyes away from the other changing girls I quickly got dressed pulling up the required stocking and streaching my back out walking to the door of the locker room. Before Sneaking a quick peek at Momo's large exposed breast and taking my leave.

Sighing I headed back to class, not surprised to see half of the class already there. A few eyes turned towards me and I just gave a half assed wave as I walked over to Mineta and Denki. With a few quick greetings as I sat on top of my desk we started a conversation that instantly began to spice up.

"Woah; Your looking a little flushed there (y/n)" Kirishima laughed strolling into the class room.

"Especially for us to be talking about girls, outta everything" Denki smirked at my lightly blushed face.

"Yeah I know, I am a girl." I glared at the pikachu wanna be before looking away. "But why shouldn't I have interest in other girls; Especially cute one's" I muddered the last part feeling a bit emmbarssment to say aloud.

"Nothing's wrong with that (Nick/Name), It's all cool" Kirkishima smiled causing me to smile back before he came bursting in.

"Morning Katsuki" I gave a smiple wave and smile.

"Shut up you Idtiot! and I thought I told you to stop calling me that" He growled going over to his seat. I knew it could be considered rude or weird to call others by their first names but I did it anyway.

The bell rung not even seconds later Mr Aizawa walked in all of us already seated property, yes alot of things happened but let's just skip to the important part this is a fanfic right!?

(Your/Name) (Last/Name) (Nick/Name)
-Tends to hangout with guys

2》Sports Festival》

The room was silent, sitting across the small circular from me was my older brother who's eyes were locked onto the television infront of the both of us.

On the t.v. showed U.A's Sports Festival that everyone was hype about and where I got to watch each of my friends go all out in each battel. Unfortunately I had a family emergency not even a day ago being forced to leave the city and forfit the games due to the far away distance of my families home.

The second event had just finished and they were going to soon announce the tortument matchups, through out the first two events a few people stood out from Classes 1-B, 1-H and Especially Class 1-C. Not even mentioning all the cuties and hot guys that were out their! But the things thst made the people stand out to me was their quirks.

One had a Copying quirk, another with one extremely similar to kirishima's, the pink haired girl from 1-H didn't seem to have a quirk from what I could tell yet her gadgets were amazing. But the one who stood out the most was the boy who was litearly being carried in the first round and than came out of nowhere with a win in the second.

"Sorry you had to miss this (n/n)" My brother broke the silence, his eyes still on the screen as he spoke to me.

"I already told you It's cool Luka" I gave him a small half assed smile. "I haven't seen you guys in forever; Sucks that it had to be on these kind of circumstances tho." I sighed at the end. Yes, I did wanna participate in the festival to show off and give it my all, but when I got the call Moma was dangerously sick I had to head home ASAP.

Shinsou Hitoshi 《Oneshots and Lemons》Where stories live. Discover now