☁️ Mute Reader☁️

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Requested by animecat121

I'm going to be this world's next top hero and right now I'm making my way to UA! I maybe in class 1-C but I won't be for long!

Most people in my class looked more than average a few not even having quirks but like me they we're smart and determined which is what really matters! Having a cool quirk would be cool to tho.

"Hey (L/N), are you going to participate in the sports festival?" Evean asked standing beside my desk. Evean Crowne had a crush on me for some strange reason, I just shook my head. Me and him have never talked before but he never gives up.

"How come? I bet you would be really cool in it! What's your quirk by the way?" I just stayed silent "I mean you don't have to tell me If you don't want to it's up to you of course!" I stayed silent watching him as he got flustered and loss confidence. "You really don't want to talk to me do you?" He seemed upset, I began to feel bad.

Should I apologize? My thought was cut off by another person his voice was deeper than the first boys his name was Shinsou he's been my self assigned guardian in school for a while now.

"Don't get upset that she still won't speak you've been trying all year, just give up already." He said taking a seat beside me.

"No! I'm determine to hear her voice before the end of the year even if I die trying!" He declared as if he was confessing his deepest desire to the world, me and Shinsou's clearly felt embarrassed for him our sweat drops almost visible as the whole class stared at us. This was awkward...

"Go sit down you Creep." Shinsou stood up for me like normal.

The other guy finally took the L and walked to his seat up front. I know he'll be back, I honestly admired how passionate he was but it was kinda... creepy.

"Your welcome" Shinsou said sarcastically knowing I wouldn't have atcually thanked him, I never did instead like usual I just bowed my head a little in thanks. He let out a sigh accepting it. Unlike everyone else he never seemed bothered by my silence. It felt nice.

The week went by rather quickly me and Shinsou hung out most of the week; Only in school of course, we aren't really friends after all. Sure I enjoyed his company, and I like to think he doesn't feel obligated to hang out with me but enjoys my company too.

Today was the first day of spring break and it was already time to head home. While everyone was packing up I was trying to work up the courage to ask Shinsou to hang out with me after school, I wrote a note but haven't given it to him yet. We were walking to the gate like usual when I stopped and he looked at me.

"What's wrong (L/N)?" I know he's noticed my weird behavior through out the day. I walked up to him looking down so he couldn't see my blush. Grabbing his sleeve I put the note in his hand. Right after I took a few steps back and rub my neck nervously. I don't know why I'm so nervous. "You want to hang out?" I nod. "Today?" yes. "at your house?" Yes. " I don't know (y/n)." We both paused. "You're gonna have to give me a pretty good reason to miss my show."

My panic stopped when I realized he was messing with me. I gave him a angry face and he laughed. "No, no, I'm being serious; One reason and I'm all yours for the rest of the night." My mind went dirty at the connotation but I shook it off. Thinking for a second I remember one of the things Shinsou told me he liked. I put my hands to my head and shook em a bit. "Dog?" No. I shake my hands again "Cat?" Yes. "You'll give me a cat?" No. "You'll give me your 'cat'?" He winked and I punched him in the arm. "Ok! Ok. You'll let me see your cats?" YES! "I guess that's good enough..... I'd purfer the last one tho." I gave him an annoyed look but we both smiled.

Maybe we are friends?

Part 2?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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