Miyadate Ryota- Cooking

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- What are you cooking tonight?- I heard Ryota asking

- Why me? You know how to cook too!- I sulked

- Please! It has been a while since you didn't cook, I miss your cooking!- He pouted. Really, I can't resist when he acts cute. It doesn't really fit him, but it's cute, very cute.

- I guess you won, but flattering just won't make it better- I pouted as I walked to the kitchen, making Ryota just giggle.

I huffed and opened the fridge and cabinets to cook something. I decided to make omurice because it's easy and simple to make. I started to chop some onions and things to stir-fry the rice. Then, I mixed everything in the pan and fried the rice with ketchup and some more things.

- ______...- I heard Ryota leaning his chin on my shoulder, softly whispering in my ear

- What do you want? Huh?- I softly asked, feeling Miyadate's arms circling me

- You look so damn attractive when you're cooking... The way your back sticks out for me, the way you tie your hair up, exposing that pretty neck of yours...- He continued on whispering with his low voice

- You just wanted to see me afterall- I chuckled

- I always want to see you, baby- Seriously, shivers went down my spine every freaking time he whispered close to me in his damn low voice.

When he least expected I turned around and fastly kissed him before concentrating on the stove again

- I love you

- I love you more- I smiled shyly before kissing him again

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