Hirano Sho- Scared

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I was laying down on the bed, almost falling asleep, I had my earbuds on, playing some slow, and soft music.

Sho was almost sleeping as well. He had his back facing me as he was wrapped in all the blankets

- Hey, ______- He called for me- Babe, are you awake?

- Barely- I whispered, feeling a little bit annoyed. I mean, I was almost sleeping- Why? What do you want?- I asked in a soft, whispered voice

- You know, we could, umm, cuddle a little c-closer, rig-ght?- He stammered

- Yeah, I guess. Why?- I didn't even open my eyes or turn myself to him

- I'm kinda... Scared, you know...- His voice was the smallest, as if he was kinda shy.

I shot my eyes open and stared at him before breaking out in laughs

- Scared? Of what?- I giggled, sitting up and getting closer to him.

- I don't know if you heard it too, but, there's some weird sounds coming from the living room or whatever it is...- He took the blanket closer to his face, making him look really cute

- Own, come on, then- I opened my arms, hugging him- You're such a baby- I let out a giggle before kissing the top of his head

- Thanks- He cuddled closer- You know I love you right?

- Of course I do!- I smiled, pulling him even closer to me- I love you too

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