Masuda Takahisa- Waking Up

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- Honey...- I heard someone whispering as I stirred up from my sleep- Hey- He said sweetly

- Massu...- My voice was small as he kissed my bare shoulder

- How are you feeling?- I could feel his smirk against my skin

- Sore- I replied- You made me sore- I jokingly rolled my eyes, remembering what happened yesterday. He snuggled closer, not really caring if we were both naked.

- You're weird, you know- I chuckled

- Why? You're weirder, then. You're my girlfriend- We chuckled at the statement.

- You seem so soft, but you're so... Manly- He giggled, embracing me with his strong arms

- Wakey wakey, if we stay like this what happened yesterday can happen today again- I turned around, snuggling closer to him

- Let's not, okay? Let's not- I buried my face on his bare chest, planting some kisses there

- Don't kiss me there, you are going to get me in the wrong mood- He giggled- Let's wake up- He lowered his head to kiss my temple. I lazily got up, stealing one of Massu's shirt from the floor. I wore it without anything underneath and got up. I glanced at Massu, who slipped in a underwear and followed me

- Morning baby- He said and kissed my neck from behind

- Morning Massu- I smiled fondly, turning around to hug him

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