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as namjoon's eyelids fluttered open, the world began to gain color. he took a big breath and pushed himself to a sitting position. his room looked the same as it had last night, as far as he could tell. namjoon groaned and threw his hands in the air.

as he stretched, he heaved his legs over the side of his bed. he used all of his strength to push his blankets aside and stand up. namjoon then brought himself to the small living area of his shared apartment.

i'll wait for jimin to wake up, i guess. he thought to himself. in the meantime he decided to brew a mug of coffee. namjoon ran his fingers through his hair and strolled into the kitchen.

he and jimin had been sharing their apartment for almost a year now. jimin had begged namjoon to get an apartment with him as soon as he was old enough to move out, seeing as he didn't like his parents that much. they were nice people, but misguided. not on purpose.

they had been best friends since middle school, when they had both been the awkward kids who couldn't get girlfriends. they'd bonded over that and quickly became closer. they had other friends, of course, but they'd met the others in high school. jimin and namjoon would always be the originals.

as namjoon turned on the coffee maker and readied a mug, he heard footsteps approaching the kitchen. 

"jiminie! how'd you sleep?" namjoon turned around to face his closest friend.

"it was okay, but i woke up really early. like, really early. like, one in the morning early." jimin rubbed the sleep out of his eyes with little fists and shook his head. "what about you, joon?"

"eh, it was okay. i woke up early too. like, one in the morning early." namjoon grinned at the younger. 

he examined jimin's pajamas. namjoon had slept in an old t-shirt and sweatpants, whereas jimin slept in an actual pajama set. it made namjoon smile more, it was just adorable.

"youre the cutest, jiminie. want anything? i might go out 'cuz i don't feel liek making anything." as he finished his sentence, his coffee finished pouring and he turned to pick it up.

"grab the milk, please," he added, pointing in the general direction of the refrigerator.

"sure thing." jimin smiled and got the milk out of the fridge, at his best friend's request. he twisted the cap off of the jug as he walked over to namjoon. he then handed namjoon the open jug and watched as namjoon poured milk into his mug. as soon as namjoon was finished, jimin took it and screwed the cap back on, carefully placing it back in the fridge, on the top shelf.

both boys took a seat on the sofa in the living room. namjoon blowed on his coffee as jimin searched for the remote. he clicked the on button as soon as he found it and plopped down on the sofa.

his face went pale, and he stood abruptly as he saw what was plastered on screen.


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