Bad Nightmares, Sweet Awakenings

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The garden radiated with life as Pin stepped onto the soft soil.

She took a deep breath in, and smiled, letting the warmth of the sunshine permeate through her cheeks. Roses flowed from the small bush by the entrance, as Pin gently plucked one from the ground, and gave it a sniff.

Light and soft, a delicate smell made Pin smile even more as she began to make her way through the garden.

The bright aura from the sunflowers greeted Pin as she let her free hand brush against the soft petals. She clenched the rose in her hand, and began to get deeper into the garden, the plants glowing with even more life than the plants from the entrance. Yoyle berry bushes glowed besides the lavender plants, and Pin quickly snatched one from the small branch as she popped the bright berry into her mouth, feeling the sweet, yet bizarre taste of the juice fill her taste buds. Her body slowly began to turn into metal as she clenched the Rose even harder.

She continued to walk, until she finally collapsed to her knees as she looked down, a large grin plastered on her face.

Two pairs of hands laid on the soft patch of dirt, blood beginning to soak the dirt below them. She wrapped her fingers around one of the hands, and gave it a gentle squeeze. She looked down, and place the rose onto the ground besides the lifeless hands. She looked down, and saw that her hand that was holding the Rose was gushing out blood, cuts and scrapes from all the thorns the rose had. She winced a bit, but giggled as she let out a sigh.

"You were lovely..." she whispered, as she caressed the hands.

"You were the only one who did understand-"


Pin whirled her head around, and her eyes widened in horror.

Firey stood behind her, his eyes filled with blood, and his body, mangled and distorted.

" hurts...."

Pin felt her heart pound inside her chest, as she felt her breaths become more shallow and quicker. She quickly scuttled backwards, shoving the hands out of the way.

"F-F..Firey?! I-I'm-"

"Why do it......"

Pin felt her heart ache as she let out a choked sob.

"I- You-I had t-to-"

"Hello Pin..."

Pin felt her entire body go cold.

"It's been so long, hasn't it..?"

Before she could respond, a knife plunged into her chest. The knife twisted deeper into her violently,as Pin choked, feeling blood pour out of her mouth. Her vision began to fade, as the object leaned into her 'ear', caressing her cheek gently.

"Miss me?~"


Pin let out a blood-curdling scream as she scrambled up and into the kitchen. Her screams reverberated through the house, as she collapsed onto her knees. She yanked the kitchen-cabinet open, and began to dig through the utensils, before gripping her hand around the handle of her carving knife.

"I WON'T LET YOU!" She cried out.

It wasn't long before Coiny scrambled in, his eyes filled with exhaustion but fear, after hearing Pin's screams.

"Pin?! PIN!" 

Pin whirled her head around, and the exhaustion quickly fled Coiny's eyes, as he stumbled back.

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