Chapter 4

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Ezri has been wanting to see Julia more than usual lately. Ezri and her boyfriend are arguing again and she doesn't know if things will ever get better. Ezri honestly doesn't know how to fix things this time. Every time they talk it turns into an argument. Ezri just wants Daniel to know how she feels about everything. She wants to be able to talk to him and tell him how she feels, but every time she tries to start a conversation it turns into an argument. Ezri can be seen as tough and dominant (especially with Julia), but she's really a softy on the inside. She takes things to heart and cries easily when someone says she is doing something wrong. She tries to stay strong when talking to Daniel, but she always ends up crying and leaving. Arguments have escalated in the past and Ezri has found that it is just best that one of them leaves so that no one gets hurt. Well, tonight is one of those nights again. Ezri tried to talk to Daniel about the things that have been getting on her nerves and about how she is not happy in the relationship, but Daniel completely ignored what she had to say. The argument started to get intense. Daniel was cooking at the time and got mad and threw a piece of food at Ezri, so Ezri walked to the bedroom and found some sweat pants and a t-shirt to put on. Crying, she looks for her phone and keys so she can leave.

Ezri gets to her car and wipes her eyes. It's almost 8pm and she's wondering where she could go. Normally she would go to Julia's house, but she doesn't want her to see her like this. Ezri doesn't really have any close friends out here that she could go to and all her family still lives in Chicago. She figures out that her only option is the library. She looks up the hours and sees that they are closed. "Fuck" she says out loud. She reaches into the back of the car to grab some kleenex to blow her nose. "I guess I have no option". Ezri calls Julia, but she doesn't answer. She tries three more times and still no answer. Ezri, getting frustrated takes three deep breaths, starts the car, and drives off

20 minutes later she arrives at Julia's house.

She rushes to the front door and rings the doorbell. She sees Julia's car in the driveway so she knows she is home. After ringing the doorbell several times she starts knocking on the door. A few seconds later, the door cracks open

Julia looks like she just woke up. Her hair is wild and her eyes are barely open. "Ezri?!?"

Ezri holds her head down and tries not to look Julia in the eye. "Can I come in?"

Julia: Of course baby

Ezri goes to the couch and sits down, still unable to look up at Julia.

Ezri: I'm sorry, I just um... *sniffs* I was going to go to the library, but they were closed.

Julia: What happened babe?

Ezri: Nothing, just a dumb argument

Julia: Goes over to Ezri and gives her a hug

Ezri can feel her whole body relax. She feels her heart sink in her chest as she holds onto Julia

After the hug, Julia notices that Ezri still won't look at her

Julia: So you don't want to look at me now? I know I look crazy when I first wake up, but damn, I didn't know it was that bad.

Ezri laguhs but still doesn't look up. She wipes her eyes.

Ezri: Now you know that's not that case baby.

Julia: Then what?

Ezri:  I don't know.

Julia puts her hand on Ezri's thigh

Julia: Come on now. We are past that stage. You can tell me.

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