Chapter 6

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Ezri texts Daniel back when she wakes up and agrees to talk to him later when she gets home. Ezri leaves Julia's house around noon and makes it back home around 12:15. As soon as she opens the door, Daniel is sitting in the living room waiting to talk. Ezri walks past him to take her bag to the bedroom and comes back to the living room to talk with him. She sits on the opposite end of the couch and takes a deep breath hoping that this doesn't turn into another argument like it usually does

"Hey" Ezri says

"Hey" Daniel replies back

"So you wanted to talk?" Ezri asks

"Yeah. Listen. I know you've been cheating. I haven't exactly been faithful myself during this time either, but I want us to get past all of this. I don't even know what we're doing anymore. How did this become us?"

"How did you know?"

"I checked your phone while you were sleeping one night. I know there's a girl named Julia"

Ezri's face turns ten shades of red and she looks down at the floor. "I can explain. I-"

"It's ok" Daniel says cutting her off. "I don't need to know the details. I wish you would have told me you were into girls though"

"How could I? We haven't been in a good place in months. And what about you? Who were you cheating with? Or was it several people?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"No, actually I don't. Let's just agree to not tell each other anything about what happened in these last few months" Ezri says

"Can we at least agree that we both want to fix this otherwise we wouldn't be here?" Daniel replies

"Yeah, that's fair"

"So what should we do? Daniel says as he puts his head down and rubs his hands together

"I'm not sure. I don't see how we can trust each other at this point. I feel like we should maybe just try something different for a while" Ezri says

"Like what??" Daniel asks

"Maybe an open relationship for now. I mean that's basically what we've been doing, except I didn't know about yours. I know it will probably be hard for both of us to just change what we've been doing for three months now"

"Yeah, you're right"

"In the meantime, we can still work on us. And if this doesn't work we can talk about other options" Ezri says

"Ok" Daniel says sounding hopeful. "Can I have a hug?"

Ezri goes over to Daniel while he's sitting down and gives him a hug. Ezri couldn't help but notice how good he smelled. Daniel squeezed her tight. Ezri had forgotten how good his hugs felt. He was able to wrap his arms all the way around her waist. Ezri wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I missed you baby. I know we can fix this" Daniel says while hugging her

"I missed you too baby. I hope so!" Ezri replies

Two weeks have passed since Ezri has seen Julia. She's been working hard on fixing her relationahip with Daniel. They have been talking more and having date nights randomly throughout the week. However, Julia has still been on Ezri's mind. She has texted her a few times in the last two weeks but Julia has been taking a long time to reply. When she finally replies she would say "Sorry, I've been busy with work" almost every time. Julia tried to initiate sexting with Ezri once, but Ezri was busy.

It's weird that they can't find time for each other anymore. Ezri even went to her house one day to surprise her, but her car wasn't in the driveway. Maybe she really is tied up at work, Ezri thought. But that seems weird because it's never happened before.

Ezri decides to text Julia tonight to see if she can come over to catch up. To Ezri's surprise, Julia actually replies! She tells Julia she can come over.

***At Julia's house***

Ezri sits down on the couch with Julia. "Hey baby, how have you been? I have so much to tell you"

"Really?" Julia replies

"Yes baby!" Ezri says. "But I'll let you go first. How has your week been?"

"It's been good. Kind of busy. Things are picking up at work. I'm sorry I haven't been very responsive lately"

"It's ok, baby. I just glad we're together now" Ezri pulls Julia in her lap. "I missed you so much" Ezri says as she starts kissing Julia on her neck, cheek, and collarbone.

Julia laughs "Stop, baby. You know that's my spot"

Ezri keeps kissing her lightly

"Oh, baby! I saw Liz again" Julia says

Ezri stops her kisses. "What do you mean you saw her again?"

"You know, like... We hooked up again. Well, a few times actually."

"A few times?!?" Ezri says sounding confused

"Yeah, the first time she texted me the day after our threesome and wanted to meet again. I texted you, but you didn't reply so I went to her house alone"

Ezri is shocked. She remembers Julia texting her that day, but she ignored it because she was focusing on fixing things with Daniel.

"It was good baby. She is really freaky!! She does things that I know you would like. I want to see her again, but with you of course" Julia says as she intertwines her fingers with Ezri's.

"I don't know. This is uh... This is just a lot"

"Alot to process? Figure out? Comprehend?"

"Yeah. I mean I don't know if threesomes are my thing"

"What do you mean? You did fine last time. You can practice on me. It will be fine" Julia says trying to get Ezri to reconsider

"I think it's best if we do things with other people separately. You seemed like a pro and I felt like I was a beginner. I need someone more on my level" Ezri says as she tries to give the best excuse she could think of

"Are you sure love?" Julia asks

"Yeah I'm sure" Ezri replies
Ezri POV
*** 1 week later***

I am devasted. I can't believe she slept with Liz SEVERAL times after we made love that night. I should have responded to her text, but would that have stopped her from going without me? Probably not. I told myself to stop being so attached to this girl before, but I fucked up now. It's too late. I feel like she's already over me. I've tried texting her all this week and it's the same thing as before. She'll reply back days later and say she's busy with work. I fucked up man. I should have never agreed to do that threesome shit.  I never wanted to do it anyway.

I would call her and tell her how I feel but she probably won't even answer the phone. I should go to her house. Wait no, what am I thinking. Maybe I should just send a text. No, that's dumb. Ughhh, this girl is driving me crazy. I need to just forget about her because it's obvious that she has forgotten me.

Maybe this is for the best. I can finally focus on my relationship with Daniel without any distractions.


Thank you for reading!!! Please comment and vote!

Should Ezri give up on Julia and move on?

Should Ezri tell Julia how she really feels?

Was Ezri's decision to make her relationship an open one a good idea?

Was Julia wrong for hooking up with Liz again?

Do you think Julia is playing games with Ezri? Do you think Julia knows how Ezri really feels about her ?

Let me know what you think 🙂

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