Chapter 7

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Ezri POV

I haven't talked to Julia  in about a month now. She was clearly playing games with me, but that's ok. It was like she could never make time for me anymore. I'm not gonna lie though, I still miss her. She was so fun and easy to talk to. I haven't found anyone else like her yet.

Daniel and I are still together and our relationship is open. We have agreed to be honest and tell each other when we've found someone else, but no details. I think in a weird way, having a relationship like this is making our relationship stronger. We were each other's first so we came into the relationship with very little experience sexually. Having an open relationship is allowing us to figure out what we like.

Daniel has been seeing another girl, but I haven't been able to find one yet. I've just been trying to focus on my job and finding more modeling opportunities. I've also spent quit a bit of time trying to figure out how to get over Julia. Sometimes I still get the urge to text her or stop by her house. I have dreams of me going over to her house and telling her how I feel. In the dream she feels the same way and we make love all night, but I doubt that would happen in real life. I've thought about what I would do if she comes back and starts texting and calling again. Will I have the strength to say no, we're over? Honestly, I don't know. The more time we are a part though, the more I'll get over her... I hope.

Next day at work. 10am

Ezri is working hard at her desk when her boss, Jasmine, comes out of her office.

"Ezriel, can I see you in my office now please" Jasmine says.

Damn, I hate this bitch- Ezri thinks to herself.

"Sure thing!" Ezri grabs a pen and notepad, walks into her office, and closes the door behind her.

"I need you to finish this report today- by noon. Diana was supposed to do it, but she had to leave early. I'm not sure how far she got on it, but I haven't looked at it, because honestly that's not my job. Anyway, I need you to finish this asap and have it on my desk by noon, no excuses." Jasmine says sternly.

"There's a lot riding on this. You'll also need to be on the conference call this afternoon to talk about the report. Again, Diana was supposed to do all of this, so if you have a problem with it, you can take take it up with her" Jasmine adds.

"Sure thing! I'll get right on it and get it to you by noon!" Ezri says trying to sound upbeat.

"Great. That's all I wanted. You can get to work. Close the door behind you on your way out." Jasmine says.

This fucking bitch- Ezri thinks to herself as she walks out and closes the door behind her.

"What was that about?" James (one of Ezri's nosey co-workers) asks.

"She needs me to finish this long report by noon" Ezri whispers.

"That's impossible. This report is barely started. That's Diana's job. Why is she giving it to you?" James asks.

"Because she hates me" Ezri says.

They both laugh.

"Good luck girl".

"Thanks" Ezri replies.


Ezri works hard and is able to finish the report by noon. It put her behind on all her other work for the day, but at least she finished the report so she won't have to hear Jasmine's mouth again. Ezri goes to grab her jacket to put on before she goes out to lunch. She figures she can drop the report off to Jasmine on her way out.

Ezri gets to Jasmine's door and she sees Jasmine at her desk with her head down. Although the door to her office was open, Ezri knocks anyway.

The knock startles Jasmine and she looks up with tears in her eyes.

"Oh...I just wanted to give you the report. Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I'm fine" Jasmine says wiping her eyes.

Ezri feels bad. Nobody in the office really likes Jasmine, but she's obviously going through something. "Everyone's already gone for lunch. Do you have any plans for lunch?" Ezri asks.

"I usually bring my lunch but- "

"So come with me" Ezri intrupts. "We can get Mexican".

"I don't know" Jasmine says.

"Come on! It's better than staying here for an hour" Ezri says.

"I guess, ok" Jasmine says. 
The two end up going to a Mexican restaurant about 10 minutes away from their job. The two order their food then start talking.

"So how's your day going?" Ezri asks.

"Uh, not too bad, I guess. What about you?" Jasmine asks.

"Much better now that the report is done" Ezri says.

Jasmine laughs. "Yeah, I bet. These jobs can be stressful, especially with a mean boss".

"What?!? You're not mean" Ezri says "You're just very....assertive" Ezri says as she sips her water

"Funny" Jasmine laughs. " I know people in the office don't like me. Truth is, I'm just going through a lot right now. The executives are on my back, so I have to stay on top of it with you all. Otherwise, they come down hard on me. Then on top of that, my personal life is shit right now"

"Really, why?".

"Well, I just went through a breakup with my significant other".

"I'm so sorry. Breakups can be hard. How long were you two together?" Ezri asks.

"Three years".


"Yeah, and now she's dating some guy... A mutual friend of ours actually".

Ezri's eyes widened when she heard the word she's.

"Wow. Excuse my French, but that's fucked up".

"Very fucked up. The way she did it though is the really bad part. She just left without saying much. I went home one day and all her stuff was gone. So who knows how long she's been seeing him behind my back. Now they are posting pics together on Instagram. I feel so used".

"That's crazy. It is really hard to get over people. I'm actually trying to get over a girl I was seeing myself. I've found that it's best to just distance yourself from them as much as possible. Delete them on all social media. You don't need to see all that. Try to focus on other things, like work or a hobby" Ezri says.

"You're right. But it's hard. I still have feelings for her" Jasmine says "but it's clear that she's moved on, so I know I should too".

"I know exactly what you mean. At times like this, friends come in handy. They can keep you busy and distant you from your problems" Ezri says.

"Yeah, that would be nice. I don't have many of those. I know I can be harsh sometimes so maybe that's why".

Hell yeah, that's why- Ezri thinks to herself.

"What's your number," Ezri says pulling out her phone. "I'll be your friend".

The two trade numbers, finish their meal, and head back to work.

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