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violetta had never been more grateful for her charismatic charm, making her quite the social butterfly

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violetta had never been more grateful for her charismatic charm, making her quite the social butterfly. being in the fashion industry was not something that was easy, it takes a person to be outgoing but also driven and stern. takes a person to know what they want and when they want it.

but besides the fashion industry, she was glad to user her social skills to help ease the awful pain that came from awkward situations. like the one she's in right now! just a girl sitting in a cafe wearing overly baggy clothes (who aren't her clothes) sitting across from a smug man who looked like art himself.

"how did you know if i was wearing your clothes or not?" violet asked, lifting the mug up to her blush pink lips.

the stranger flashed a smile, leaning forward a little to set his elbows on the table as he rested his head on his palms. "that jacket is a one of a kind made by a designer named v."

"i've never heard of him before but this jacket is amazing quality." violet replied, pushing back the sleeve of the jacket a little to get rid of her sweater paws.

"i'm kim taehyung, also known as v, and thank you for the compliments. that jacket is very near and dear to my heart, took me months to make it perfect." the fair headed boy replied with a huge grin, looking like a proud child that finished winning a game of mario bros.

violet let out a slight giggle and returned a soft smile, "violetta amador, but you can call me violet."

"ah, well miss violet, i can tell you have astonishing taste in clothing by the clothes in your suitcase."

violet let out a sigh in her relief, maybe even teared up a little, who knows! her clothes are her babies!

"i'm so glad you have my suitcase! i thought i lost my clothes completely!"

"well, i wasn't the one to get your clothes," he let out a slight chuckle that sounded just as smooth and rich as the latte she was drinking, "my friend, jungkook, was the one to get your suitcase. but it's safe and sound, don't worry."

as they made their way back to the hotel, violet kept stuttering over her words every time she'd look up and made eye contact with taehyung. they made simple talk all the way up to his shared hotel room, just talking about paris as a whole and fashion.

taehyung made his way in the room to get her suitcase as she waited at the door, politely declining his invitation to come in.

"here you go! sorry if your clothes are untidy, jungkook opened it up when he was half asleep and looking for a pair of socks." he said with his signature smile.

violet smiled with her eyes and grabbed the suitcase out of his hands, "it's fine! thank you for giving it back."

"it's not a problem," taehyung! a voice called in the back "hopefully i'll see you later or something, i gotta go." and with that, he closed the door before she could reply.

violet's brows furrowed and her lips sealed, she was confused at his sudden change of demeanor. taehyung seemed interesting just by the design of his jacket. the warm toned brown smooth corduroy, the boxy figure, and the face in the back painted in blues, yellow, a blood orange, and white. the jacket had character and a story, violet was determined to know what the story was about. 

making her way back to her room, violet threw her suitcase on her bed, throwing herself beside it. it was nice making human interaction with someone other than the staff at the hotel, although they were really nice people.

she felt alone, which is why she decided to go out — in her usual clothes — and meet new people and to explore around the city of love by herself.


hi my stars! i hope u enjoy this
chapter. i had writers block for
quite sometime, im sorry!
with love, luna.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2019 ⏰

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