Chapter 5

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Amy P.O.V

I squeezed my eyes shut and balled up my hair in my hands. I started to sob. The pain was unbearable. Someone was talking to me and someone else was rubbing my back. Images flashed through my mind. They were terrible pictures. They of death.

I screamed as one of my mom came into my mind with her throat and stomach slit open. I opened my eyes and looked around and what paranormal beings were giving me these images and why.

Michelle was in front of me and Masky and Hoody at my sides. Tears streamed down my face as I looked at the ghosts of people who were murdered. I unclenched my hair as a man came close to me.

"They killed us." he whispered staring into my eyes.

"W-Who?" I croaked.

"Them, the ones you trust." he said fading away.

"WAIT! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!" I screamed reached my hand out to him. He only blinked and was gone.

I looked around and everyone was staring at me with bewildered expressions. I curled up into a ball and started to cry softly. Someone sat beside me and pushed my hair out of my face. I looked up to see Michelle. Thank goodness she was here otherwise I wouldve never been able to calm down. I sat up and hugged her tightly. Even though it was kinda hard considering I was still tied up but she wasnt.

She wrapped her arms around me soothingly as she whispered sweet nothings into my ear. I started to drift off which was normal. I always fall asleep after one of those. My mom told me it runs in the women of our family. One person every 2 children born will get it and I obviously did.

I let darkness take over as I closed my eyes.

~le time skip~

".......s fine. It happens every now and then." a feminine voice said.

"Well? What the fuck does it mean?" a deep voice countered.

"She will tell you if she wants." the woman said again and I reconized it as Mich.

"Why cant yo-" they stopped mid-sentence when I opened my eyes.

"Ugnn," I moaned rubbing my eyes which were free from the bonds. "Mich? Where are we?" I asked as I looked around the room. We werent in the cemetery anymore instead we were in a building and what looks like a bedroom.

"Huh? Oh, Jeff led us here its where they live." she said with disgust.

I looked around the room and sighed "If you are all just gonna stare and not ask me what happened because you are a bunch of pussies, then leave. Please." I added sitting up and looking at everyone in the room. Toby, BEN, Jeff, Mich, Masky and Hoody were all in here.

Masky and Hoody walked over and sat on the bed next to me. "Are you okay?" they said simultaneously.

I chuckled "Yeah, I think. Um, are you two like related or something......else?" I asked blushing. "I dont mean to sound rude.... Its j-just you g-guys speak the same and d-do e-everyt-thing together." I scratched the back of my neck.

Masky looked at me and chuckled "No, were not. We've just been friends for a long time." I nodded.

I stretched and yawned. "So? What now?"

"Um, we let you rest and we ask later about what happened since you were crying and screaming earlier and we dont want to bother you anymore than we have to." Hoody responded sweetly.

"No, its fine. You guys ask now so I dont have to answer later. Aint nobody got time for that."

Everyone in the room sighed. "Fine." BEN mumbled stepping towards me. "What the HELL happened down there? It scared the absolute shit out of me."

I scratched my neck again. "Yeah..... about that, I can see dead people."

BEN laughed "Is this some sort of joke? Does that REALLY happen everytime you see a dead person?"

"No dumbass, THAT only happens when the person died violently." Mich replied scoffing.

"No need to be a bitch." he snapped.

"Guys seriously?" Masky cut in before they could argue anymore.  "Everybody has had a rough night no need to add to it. If you are going to argue, leave." he pointed to the door. BEN sighed and walked out Jeff, Eyeless Jack and Toby soon after.

"Well, I think im gonna go lay down." Mich said walking to the door.

"Mich," I called.

"Yeah Ames?"

"Stay please. I dont know if I can sleep alone just yet." I mumbled the last part hoping Masky and Hoody wouldnt hear.

"Okay." she walked over to the bed and shooed Masky and Hoody out.

"Night guys," I called as they walked out the door.

Michelle rubbed her eyes and laid down next to me. I rolled over to face her. I put my arm under my head and sighed. "So this one told me they killed them. And I dont know who he was talking about he said something like 'Them, the ones you trust.' I dont know what thats suppost to mean so im going to try and talk to them tomorrow."

She turned to look at me "I dont know, our kidnappers maybe. And try not to pry to much you remember what happened last time. I mean BEN and Jeff kill. We know that much. Lets HOPE the others dont." she sighed "Even though I KNOW they do."

"It will be fine Mich." I smiled.

"I know." she smiled back and pushed my hair behind my ear.

"Night Mich."

"Night Ames."

I snuggled into Mich and the covers before letting darkness overcome me once again.

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