Chapter 15: And then there was two

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Authors Note:

Hi, so it is January 17, 2019. If you're reading this thanks for sticking with me. I'm back on Wattpad and I am going to start working on the story again. I haven't done much writing in the last month so I can't tell you when the next chapter will be published, sorry, but I will as soon as I get close.

Here is a small piece of the next chapter...

Throne Room
2 days before the wedding

Raleigh and Loki appeared in the throne room only to be greeted by hostility from the king, "You dare go against me child." Raleigh walked forward, "Yes my king. I dare. I dare because you betrayed me father and for that I lost the one thing I value more than anything else in this world." Odin stood up from the throne, "Midgard has made you soft." Raleigh laughed, "Oh quite the contrary old man. It has made me wise. Wiser than you and you know it. You're scared of it. That's why you didn't want the wedding to happen." Odin stayed quiet. Raleigh yelled, "I died, I died and you left him to the wolves. What kind of father are you. You took him in to try and unite two peoples yet you cast him out as if he were a monster that parents tell their children about at night. So yes I dare." Odin cracked a smile as Frigga spoke, "It appears we have two weddings to plan for."

Loki went and took Raleigh's hand, "I don't understand." Raleigh looked to Loki, "A test my love. They were testing me." She looked to Odin, "I take it I passed?" Odin nodded, "And you can retire as the midgard guardian if you so desire." Raleigh looked back to Loki, "I want a life with you darling, but they need me more." Loki smiled, "Darling if Earth is where you'd like to call home, then home it shall be." Raleigh nodded then turned back to Odin, "Father I wish to stay on Midgard as the Guardian of that Realm." Odin nodded, "I've instructed Thor to come after you if you step out of line again Loki." Loki nodded as Raleigh spoke, "Father I have a suggestion." Odin nodded, "go on." Raleigh smiled, "we are about to unite two realms with this marriage. They know so much about our people but Asgard knows nothing about Midgard. Perhaps we do a traditional midgardian wedding?" Friga spoke, "that would be lovely." Odin nodded, "I agree, make it happen but be warned. If he steps out of line it will be both of you in that prison." Raleigh nodded, "yes my king." Raleigh bowed and Loki followed. The two were about to leave when Odin said something rather surprising, "and daughter?" Raleigh turned to Odin, "yes father?" Odin continued, "congratulations." Raleigh smiled, "thank you father." Raleigh and Loki left.

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