Years later

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The avengers sat down on Clint's farm for lunch when Raleigh stood up. "Baby girl?" Tony said taking Raleigh's hand, "what's going on?" Tears quickly fell from Raleighs face, "he's gone." Steve spoke, "who's gone." Raleigh used her gifts and took the group back to the avengers base. "What the hell," yelled tony. "Somethings coming," said Raleigh. "We can't help you Ral if we don't know what's going on." Raleigh closed her eyes and got ready to use her gifts till a portal opened and out walked Doctor Strange. "Mr. stark, I need you to come with me." Raleigh spoke, "who are you?" Before strange could answer out walked Bruce, "Hi guys." Raleigh dropped to her knees as he saw Bruce and their daughter friga come walking out of the portal. When Bruce saw this he quickly ran to Raleigh and pulled her in, "he saved us." Raleigh wipes her tears, "what happened?" Friga spoke, "daddy, who is she?" Raleigh looked to Friga and got ready to respond but before she could Bruce spoke, "she is your aunt. She helped papa and I have you. She's the reason you're here." Friga looked to Raleigh, "reason I'm here. like my mom?" Raleigh chuckled, "I used my magic." Friga spoke, "a magical mom." Raleigh held her arms open, "if you want to call me mom that is ok, but Friga, can you tell me what you saw?" Friga spoke, "daddy turned into big green and protected me while papa and uncle Loki fought Thanos. Papa's friend Heimdal sent us here before he died. Momma, I was so scared." Raleigh took Friga into her arms and stood up, "Papa," Raleigh turned to Steve, "stay here. Get the defenses ready, dad," she looked to tony, "come on. Let's go." Raleigh looked down, "friga, can you stay here with my papa and the others while your daddy and I go talk to the good Doctor?" Friga shook her head then Raleigh looked to Bruce, "you've faced him Bruce. What are we dealing with?" Bruce was silent for a moment, "He's a titan. He has a following. He's a destroyer. He already has two infinity stones." Raleigh looked to everyone, "get ready. Tell the king. The end... the end is coming. Now, let's go." Steve nodded, "be careful." Raleigh nodded then walked through the portal as Steve walked up to Tony, "be careful." Tony spoke, "Steve you know me." Steve took tonys hand, "this is the first time I've seen her scared. Be careful." Tony nodded then the two kissed before tony and Bruce walked into the portal with Doctor strange following close behind.


New York sanctum

Wong just finished explaining the creation of the infinity stones when a scream alerted them to a danger coming from outside. Tony was the first to walk out to check things out. Raleigh, still holding Friga followed with Bruce and the others in tow. When they reached the focal point of the chaos Raleigh handed Friga back to Bruce. Friga started to scream, "mommy no." Raleigh turned to see tony suited up then looked to Bruce and then to Friga, "mommy needs to stop the bad guys. Go with your daddy and be safe." Raleigh used her gifts to get into her uniform as Wong opened a portal for Bruce to walk through.

"Earth is closed," yelled Tony. Ebony Maw spoke, "stone keeper. Does this Terran speak for you?" Strange spoke, "I speak for me." Raleigh walked forward, "children of thanos, you are trespassing in Midgard. Return to your realm or prepare to fight."

Ironman began the charge as a game of keep away began. It was only when Doctor strange got taken that Ironman, Spider-Man and Raleigh went after him. As Ironman and Raleigh were in the air trying to catch up to Spiderman Raleigh yelled through the coms, "What ever it takes you protect the kid. You need to promise you wont worry about me. I need you to promise me daddy." Ironman kept quiet so Raleigh spoke again, "Promise me. He's to young for this." Ironman spoke, "I promise." Raleigh took off with ironman and managed to catch up to spiderman before he fell from Thanos ship. As he fell Ironman released the iron spider suit. Ironman wanted to send Peter home but fate had other plans.

Peter would be the first to board then ironman. Ironman was getting ready to help Raleigh when she was shot out of the sky.

"raleigh!" yelled out ironman. Over the coms Steve yelled out, "Get the stone and get off that ship. Rhodey and I got her." Ironman could see war machine fly out of the Quinn jet and catch Raleigh." Ironman yelled, "Is she alive." Steve responded, "She is, now go. If that ship leaves orbit we have no way of getting you home." Ironman nodded and proceeded in side.

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