Chapter 2

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"DK had sought aid from all packs to find his daughter. He is careful by requesting everyone to keep it under wraps considering reputation of his girl", Vivaan informed Shaurya. "What about the ceremony?", he wanted to know about it. "Nothing there. Seems like it is planned as fixed earlier. I guess he is over confident to find Mehek before that", Vivaan smirked. "We are going to attend it. After all he had personally invited us", Shaurya mocked and they both laughed. "It will be fulfilling to watch him humiliated before entire clan", Vivaan laughed. Soon he grew serious, "How is she?". "Unconscious", Shaurya replied in single word. "The drug should have worn out by now. Be careful, she may be faking to fool us", he alerted his alpha. "Then she will pay price of it", Shaurya told firmly. Vivaan sighed, "She deserves to be treated the worst possible way, Shaurya. But we have our standards and cannot stoop to their level. It's better to let fate decided her punishment. We have planned the worst for her. Once alliance is cancelled, DK will lose his face. To save himself, her father himself will order to execute her". Shaurya knew Vivaan was speaking sense. Yet he couldn't curb pain, while thinking about Mehek's death. "Another 24 hours and we will avenge Vicky's death", Vivaan consoled him. Another 24 hours. Perhaps most difficult hours of his life, he thought.

With great difficulty Mehek, managed to open her eyes. It was dark. She understood that she slept throughout the day. Her body throbbed in pain as if she had been run over by a huge truck. Extreme discomfort coursed through her neck and shoulder where she felt stabbed. She suddenly recalled that Shaurya had bitten her. She trembled in fear realizing she was kidnapped by blood thirsty inhuman creatures. She had heard stories about super natural beings keeping humans as slaves to use as blood banks. Though still weak, she tried to stand and move towards the door. Before she could take few steps, door was forced open and Shaurya stood before her in full glory. He was just in his boxer shorts and was sweating profoundly. Mehek was unable to prevent gawking at his well chiseled body. His smell and heat pulled her strongly to him. She was unable to define the attraction she felt for her captor. Her captor, a blood thirsty monster. Her brain was finally able to drill some sense into her. "What are you?", she yelled at him. "I am just the same as you. But honest and well-bred", he retorted. "You are not human. I saw your eyes", she shivered recalling their last encounter, "you bit me", she touched her neck. "Ofcourse I am not human", he was vexed by her response, "And I already regret marking you". "Regret? You forcefully drank from me without my consent, you bloody vampire", she screamed at him. "I am not a vampire", he growled as he felt insulted by her remark. Mehek got petrified and cursed her unruly behaviour. She had to handle the situation tactfully. "Please let me go. I don't know what you are or what is going on. But I promise I won't tell anyone. Just let me go back to my family", she appealed to him. "My naive brother may have fallen for your ploy, Mehek. But I am not him", he shouted at her. But deep down he knew he was already melting under her charms. "Your brother? I don't know anyone here. My father brought me here just few days back. I haven't met anyone here except few of his friends" her explanation angered him further. "How could you deny knowing my brother, Vicky. Vikram Khanna. A man who killed himself after you broke his heart", he accused her. Mehek's eyes widened in shock. "You are mistaken. I don't know any Vikram or Vicky", she tried to defend herself. "Really?", he grabbed her by her elbow and dragged to a another room.

He pushed her mercilessly to the floor and illuminated the room. Mehek realized that it was an art studio, a tiny room filled with paintings, sketches and colours. In the middle of the room, she found a beautiful portrait of a woman dressed in bridal wear. She was amazed to find that picture on the easel was HER. The artist had skillfully captured her into the canvas. "Will you still deny that you were my brother's woman?", Shaurya sneered at her. Mehek was too stunned to react. 

Shaurya went near the painting and spoke emotionally, "Vicky had spent several days working on it. He skipped his training, his duties and many a times even food. He shunned himself from outer world to complete it. A gift for your birthday". "I don't understand. I never knew any of it", she managed to speak. His head snapped at her direction. She crawled behind and took support of the couch to stand up. His eyes shone with wrath and he grabbed her arms, "Accept it. You belonged my brother until you chose to betray him for riches. Accept that you deceived him". "I won't", she yelled and pushed him away with all strength, "I won't becoz I was never you brother's woman". He grabbed her by neck, "Bloody Liar. I will deal you your way".He squeezed her tiny neck but loosened his hold when she was gasping for breath. "Even if you kill me, I won't accept it", she told him fiercely although hurt. " If you were not my brother's lover, then I shouldn't refrain from making you mine". He pulled her to him and kissed her brutally. 

Mehek tried her best to shove him away but he was too strong for her. She lost balance and they fell on the couch with him on top of her. Her senses betrayed her whenever she was near Shaurya. She wanted him closer as much as she pushed him away. The sparks she felt by his touch were incomprehensible and alluring. To her utter dismay, she succumbed to temptation and kissed him back. Their kiss was no longer punishing but ardent. They were consumed by want and passion. He desperately tried to pushed down her gown while he was conveniently half naked. When he pecked and licked his mark on her, she could feel desire pool between her legs. His wolf wasn't overpowering him, infact they were in unison and wanted to complete mate bond. When he broke the kiss, he gazed deeply into her eyes and began to whisper, "Mehek, I ....". But their moment was disturbed when her portrait fell down. The clashing sound of its downfall brought them back to reality. Mehek quickly tried to covered herself using her arms and tried to pull up her dress while he looked away in disgust. He stood up while she was still trying to make sense of her situation. "Shaurya", she was concerned. But he returned to her furiously and slapped her hard. "Filthy Whore. Damn your guts to seduce me in here where Vicky's memories still reside. You are a disgrace to entire woman race", he insulted her and left her shattered.

Mehek sobbed continually. Shaurya was undecipherable. A moment he wanted to kill her, next second he was loving her and then again he humiliated her for a deed for which he was equally responsible. She eyed the fallen portrait and read the words behind it. 'Happy Birthday Ladoo. With lots of Love Vicky'. It was indeed a birthday present for her. Ladoo was her pet name yet only her close family members knew about. She wondered how a stranger knew such personal details about her. She was perplexed and begged to Almighty to end her ordeal. She wept again, leaning against couch.

'Mate is hurt. Comfort her', his wolf urged Shaurya. He admonished him severely and it whimpered away into dark corner in him. 'I need to punish her. Death is too mild for her. She should know about pain of heart break. I will break her heart. Literally', he decided ignoring protests of his wolf.

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