Confrontation (p4)

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Hey guys, quick note. I've noticed that this story has placed #208/575 in kproject (and #53/163 in fanon) stories. This is really cool because, this is my first wattpad story. Thank you guys and gals for reading, it means alot. :)


Yata and Saruhiko both backed up in opposite directions.

(Too bad, because Saru was enjoying the view)

They stared at each other, for what seemed like forever. Finally, Yata spoke.

"What are you doing here, you shitty monkey!" He said, standing up.

"I could asked the same to you, Mi~sa~ki." He grinned and did the same.

They were now standing, about three meters apart.

"GET OUT!" Yata yelled.

"Oh, but you don't get to kick me out. It's not like last time. Last time, I was in your house, so you could tell me what to do. This is an abandoned  space, there is no one in charge."

"Fuck you." 

"It that an invitation, Mi-sa-ki~?" Saru started to pace forward, almost prancing.

"You do remember our last meeting, don't you." Saruhiko was now in Yata's face.

Yata tried to back up, but realized that he was backed up into a wall.

"Shut up."

"Oh, but I don't want too."


Yata kicked up his bat and swung at Saru's face. He dodged the blow, but it managed to catch his glasses. The glasses fell to the floor and shattered in little pieces.

Saru's eye sight wasn't too bad. He only needed the glasses for long distance, he could see up to three meters in front of him without their assistance.

Yata, instead of using his bat, kneed Saru in the stomach. This surprise attack caused Saru to stumble and fall, landing on his side.

Yata took the chance. 

He pushed Saru on his back on straddled him, raising his fist.

Saru just stared up, he didn't block.

This made Yata hesitate.

Why isn't he blocking?!

Yata stared down, still with his fist raised. He never realized how hot Saru looked without his glasses. He could feel his face starting to burn.

It aggravated him.

Saru took notice of the blush and then the rage that overcame Misaki's face.

He closed his eyes and prepared himself for the impact.

Not ever a second later, Yata struck.

1, 2, 3, 4, the blows were endless, yet, Saru was just laying there.

Why isn't he fighting back!?

He had hit Saru in the face at least eight times now.



                              FIGHT BACK!"

This aggravated him, once again. 

For an unknown reason, Yata started to feel himself crying.

He continued to beat Saru's face in, but as he hit, Saru could feel the punches getting weaker.

Saru's face was bloody as he opened his eyes. 

Yata had stopped hitting him.

Saru felt tears fall onto his face and he just weakly stared.

Yata grabbed him by the collar and pulled Saru's face close to his own.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU FIGHT BACK!" He demanded, screaming at the top of his lungs.

He was shaking Fushimi furiously.

With every fire like pain Saru had felt to his face, he hadn't fought back. 


Yata stopped and stared into Saru's sparkling, yet almost lifeless eyes.


Fushimi was silent. He couldn't find the strength to speak. His body was limp and he could feel his consciousness slowly slipping away.

Why hadn't he fought back? Why hadn't he felt angry? Why did it end up like this?

Yata's tear were too much for him as he pressed his face into Saruhiko's chest. His eyes were screaming and his scream and whimpers were even louder.

Saru, somehow, in all the pain that he was in, was feeling happy. Happy that Misaki had gotten his feelings out. Happy that he didn't have to sit in guilt anymore. Happy that, by the end of this all, he would be able to talk to Misaki like a normal human being.

Even though his body was limp, Saru manifested all his strength and placed his arms over Misaki, embraces him in the tightest hug he could manage. Yata was still balling, but was shocked and happy about Saru's embrace. Even through all his pain, he was still managing to make Yata feel like a complete and utter dipshit.

Through all the confusion and the tears, Yata quickly rose to Saru's face and pressed his lips against his own. The kiss exploded multiple emotions, happiness, anger, annoyance, sadness, despair, joy, relief, but most importantly, love and admiration.

Yata pulled back. Saru had attempted to kiss back, but all of a sudden, stopped. Only when Yata had seen a glimpse of Saru's face, did anything make sense.

He felt Saru's pockets and pulled out his phone.

"911, what's your emergency?"

Just like old times (Saruhiko x Yata)Where stories live. Discover now