Last time (p5)

362 13 7

*Caution* Contains (I think) PG -13 content!


After Saruhiko betrayed the red king, burnt the red clans pride and sided with the blues, Yata was coursing with rage. Not the kind of rage that you would feel towards a friend. No. This was the kind of rage that you would feel toward a sworn enemy.  

"THAT FUCKING TRAITOR!" Yata yelled at the top of his lungs, throwing any inanimate object he could lift around the room.

Lamp? Smashed. Mugs? Shattered. Clothes? Out the window.

He had tossed all of Saruhiko's clothes, but that's not all. He also through all of his electronics into the bathtub, full of water, I might add.  He was having a full out tantrum.

The screams and profanities leaving Yata's mouth were loud, so loud that he didn't hear the door open and a very familiar face, creeping into the apartment.

Saru had brought an empty box and through some of the remaining clothes into it. He cautiously crept over to his former bed and lifted the pillow, revealing a laptop. He added both into the box.

Yata had stopped throwing his little tantrum and was pasted out on the couch. He must have used all his remaining energy to destroy the place. Saru wondered why he didn't look under his pillow, but didn't feel like asking.

Saru continued to look around the disgrace of a living space for any scraps of his that Yata had missed.


Saru couldn't find a single thing. He went to go get his toothbrush and found out what had happened to his t.v, PlayStation, speakers, headphones, mouse and Bluetooth devices.

"Real mature."

He glanced at his former angel. A beautiful piece of artwork.

"Hey, Saruhiko! You up there!?" 

Saru placed his box near the front door and followed the sound. He opened the window and looked down.

"Are these yours?!" His, now former, neighbor was waving some of Saru clothes in the air.

Saru crept over and peered at his former, sleeping angel. 

"Cute." A warm smile grew on his face.

He couldn't think of not having this figure sleeping next to him anymore. He was kind of...


A lonely feeling, suddenly engulfed him. His heart, starting to pound. 

It hurt.

He set the  box down and leaned over the couch, his body, over top of Misaki's.

His face was above his former friend's. Somehow, this felt... natural. 


All of a sudden, a sharp pain struck on his burnt skin and he lost his composure.

His hand slipped of he face planted in Yata's crotch... (I'm am so sorry, Saru)

Yata jolted at the sudden pressure on his lower half. His eyes widened as he realized the cause of it.


Saru's face rose with a creepy ass grin and stared at Yata.

"Hello, up there,  Mi~sa~ki." 

Yata hesitated at the moment, hearing that name. His name.

He lifted his leg up and kicked Saru in the face, making him fly back and into the coffee table behind him.

He winced in pain, but Yata was too angry to care.

He stared at Saru, only to jump back in surprise.

Saru had fixed his glasses and had the creepiest grin on his face. Almost like he was... happy?

"Fucking sadist!" Saruhiko stood up and towered over Yata, who was still laying down.

He leaned over Yata's small frame and spoke, "Hey, down there, Mi~sa~ki."

They're faces were inches away from each others.

"Fucking money." Yata turned his head away, blushing. They were so close, that he couldn't help it. Saru took notice.

"Awe, Mi~sa~ki, am I making you blush~?"

"As If, ya sadistic bastard." This just made Saru smile.

He took hold of Yata's jaw and turned it in his direction. Yata was trying to pry his hands off, but it was futile. He was too strong and too stubborn.

What he did next, Yata would never had guessed.

Saru stared into Yata's eyes and kissed him roughly.

'What?!' Is all Yata could think.

Saru pushed Yata's check inwards, opening his mouth. He pushed his tongue and stated swirling.

Yata tried to get him off of himself, but he couldn't. Saru was like glue or when you decide that it's a good idea to lick a frozen pole and you get stuck. That's what the situation was like.

Yata's face was still beat red and blood started to rush. 

He hated this feeling. And Saru-fucking-hiko of all people.

This wasn't just fun for Saruhiko, it was fulfilling. He had dreamed of the day that he could do this to his little Mi~sa~ki. Not only that, but this was Yata's first kiss.

Saru pulled back for breath and was immediately pushed off. 

While breaking the kiss to get some air, he must have loosened his grip.

He flew back and, once again, crashed his back into the coffee table.  

Damn, his back is probably starting to really hurt.

Yata was above Saru, his face, a mix and rage and being flustered.

He raised his hand and slapped Saru across the face. HARD.

Along with Saru being in complete surprise, his glasses had flown off and slid to the other side of the room.

"Get out."

Yata was pointing to the door.

Saru didn't even question. He got up, grabbed his things and left.

Just like old times (Saruhiko x Yata)Where stories live. Discover now