2010: The Meeting [1]

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Leila woke up to the strong smell of half-assed cooking skills. In her hypnopompic state, she trudged into the kitchen and turned the dial down on the stove.

"Uh, morning, I'm tryin' to make breakfast?" Dean stated the obvious.
"Do you eat copper pans?" She asked, "because your bacon was about to become one with the skillet."
"Well-" His retort was lost in the lack there-of.
"Yes, you are welcome,"
"Thanks," he muttered. "and hey, that was sweet of you to make Sam cosy last night,"
"It was in fact only three hours ago today but, once again, you're welcome," It was 9am and the three of them had momentarily woken up around 6:30 in the morning.

"Do you want some breakfast?"
"Yep, but I'll stick to the good ol' hot cereal," She went to rummage the cupboards, "If there is any,"

"Bottom left," Dean pointed. A nearly empty box of oatmeal sat alone in the wooden cupboard. "Poor little guy, did the men abandon you for their heart-attack diets?"
"Are you talking to a box?"

"So what if I am?" Leila joked, scooting Dean aside so she could take over the already lit flame on the stove. Dean chuckled at her behaviour.
Sam entered the kitchen space, still wiping his eyes.
"Oatmeal?" Leila tipped the box in his direction.
"Yeah, thanks,"
She poured enough for two into the pan and let it simmer for a few minutes.

"Nearby town in distress, numerous sightings of black eyes," Bobby spoke as if he'd been talking for a minute and was finishing his sentence. He had just gotten off one of his pseudo-FBI phones. "Are you three up for a drive?"

"Post breakfast and a minor change in appearance," Leila went to separate the oatmeal into two bowls.
"Sure," He rolled over to pour a coffee, "Would you like a foot massage with that?"
"I'll pass," Leila pretended to be clueless of his sarcasm.
Bobby rolled his eyes at her. Sam and Dean could see it though, the way he looked at her like she was his daughter. It was peculiar and new to them both. Why had Leila come along now and not before when they were dealing with Azazel and Lilith?

The Winchesters wore their routine black FBI suits. Meanwhile, Leila wore dark green jeans, black boots, a black tank top and a tight green blazer.

"Are you supposed to be a classy leprechaun?" Dean had asked her in the car. She'd reduced her answer to a long eye-roll similar to Bobby's. She'd wanted to look relatively smart, but smart wasn't her thing. The drive had been made bearable by the 70s rock. It took them four songs to get to the place that Bobby had mentioned. The activity was pretty mellow: clouds were creeping in and the heart of town wasn't crawling with shopping fanatics and hungry Americans.

"Alright, so you both will go talk to the Sheriff and I'll take a look around the main town see if there's any more unusual sightings," Leila saluted and sauntered off.
"And we meet back here in an hour!" Dean called out.

Forty minutes had passed. There was no sign of strange activity. Hopefully Dean and Sam had been more fruitful in their findings. She probably needed to get a phone if she was going to keep working with them. Staying in touch was important in the 'business', It was more like an unprescribed 'are you still alive' check-up than anything else.
Leila began walking towards the entrance to the town park. There was a free water fountain that she could take a few free gulps from.
After drinking, she looked up and saw a presence that she swore hadn't been there seconds before.

A man with short blond hair, jeans and a khaki button up shirt faced away from her. It looked like he was scanning the park for something or someone. Leila felt an impulse to walk towards him, other than to check whether or not he was a demon. There was some familiarity. The posture, the hair, the clothes.
The man knew she was behind him.
He turned around to face her.

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