2010: The Apocalypse [3]

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Bobby and Leila had driven up to meet Sam, Dean and Castiel.
There were demons everywhere in Detroit.
It stunned Leila to know that Bobby was in on the collection of demon blood for Sam. She had found out about everything only a week prior. Apparently, he'd recently struggled with an addiction to it and figured it would assist in his impending cognitive battle of control with Lucifer due to it giving him heightened abilities.

"You mind not watching this?" The younger Winchester asked his brother who stood beside him.

A big jug of demon blood rested at the back of the impala. Sam lifted it to his lips. Leila found herself hiding her eyes by burying her face into Bobby's shoulder. Partially out of rest for Sam and partially out of respect for the food that she had just shoved into her stomach which she sure as hell didn't wanna spew just before a big battle.

"Okay, let's go," Sam walked past everyone, already aflame with energy. Dean followed after him. Bobby, Leila and Castiel waited behind. Leila didn't want to wait behind but she listened to what Sam wanted. 

The wait was not long before Dean returned. There was a solemn silence in the absence of Sam. He was dancing with the Devil now. 

Leila felt the tears rushing to her eyes and spilling over in moments. There was no time to go check on his body, if there even was a body. Everyone had gotten back in the car.

"So what do we do now?" Dean's voice lacked hope. He had recounted the events of Sam saying 'yes' and Lucifer being strong enough to shut him down completely, taking the rings with him.
Leila wanted to shout: 'What did you expect? Didn't you see him beat those pagan gods and his own brother in that hotel? How would Sam have beat him?', but Leila stayed silent. 

"I suggest we imbibe copious quantities of alcohol... just wait for the inevitable blast wave," Castiel suggested, monotonous.

"Yeah, swell. Thank you, Bukowski, I meant how do we stop it?"

Castiel looked perplexed, yet exhausted, "We don't. Lucifer will meet Michael and the battle of Armageddon will begin."

"Where's the chosen field?" Dean persisted.

Leila was ready to open her mouth and tell them the location. She took a breath to do so.
Shh, it's not a secret if its said aloud.
It sickened her to hear Sam's voice with Lucifer's words. 

After this stull cemetery crap, she would go back and lay Nick to rest as respectfully as possible. He deserved that at the very least.

"Bobby?" Dean's discussion with Castiel wasn't working for him.

"There was never much hope to begin with. I don't know what to do,"

They headed back to Bobbys.
Dean found sleeping difficult, so did Leila. After a three hour doze, she found him staring up at the sky and stars. Sitting on the hood of his car. She carefully sat herself next to him. She wore her pajamas and a long knit cardigan which she wrapped around her tightly.

"I, uh, spoke to Chuck, he told me the showdown will be at-"
"Stull Cemetery," Leila finished, finally able to say it without Lucifer shushing her.

"Yeah, did Bobby tell you?"

"Lucifer told me but wouldn't let me say it out loud," She blinked, "Maybe that was even a subtle kind of torture; having me know something so important but never able to share it."

"I hate that son of a bitch."

Still, Leila could not truly hate him.

"I'm gonna try to sleep, you should too." He left her leaning against his impala. It was her turn to look at the stars alone.

"Good Night, Dean."

It was good Bobby's hobby was fixing cars. Leila stole the most functional hunk of junk she could find and drove as quiet as she could – in a gasping rusty truck – and headed for Lawrence, Kansas.

Leila parked the car just outside the cemetery gates.
The car stopped with a shuddering heave and then refused to turn on again. At least it had reached the destination. She ran in, hardly thinking about how unprepared she was.

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