Kneading like a kitten

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Chapter 16: Kneading like a kitten


Gruñilda lay face down on her wide bed made up of skins of various wild and dangerous animals from the jungle.

"What are you waiting for? Start at once," said the Orc leader after wearing her long, wild hair on her side.

"Huh? Oh yeah! I'm starting!" Said Fresnia who finally reacted because of the words of the orc leader.

He shook his head a couple of times to force him to concentrate, which was necessary as the back of the green skin was exerting a kind of hypnosis on the young elf. He took one last look from her waist to the base of her neck, a whole canvas that showed only beauty and awakened in Fresnia sensations that he still could not explain and that were all synthesized in making the young man swallow spittle.

"Em... I'll start with the neck," he said and started to work.

Thin, fine, trembling fingers landed on the base of the neck. Fresnia's fingertips gave him an electric current that ran from his fingertips all the way down his spine.

Then he fixed his attention on Gruñilda's shoulders and again swallowed saliva without intending to.

Elven knights wore unadorned dungarees, just like the rest of the armor. Only the dwarves wore armor that emulated the musculature as well as several high reliefs, which showed various figures.

"They're not hard at all," Thought Fresnia as he massaged the orc's broad shoulders, in fact he was surprised that the musculature, although it looked hard as armor, felt very soft, very warm at the time.

Fresnia swallowed saliva for the third time.

"What are you doing? Stronger!" It was Gruñilda's complaint, and Fresnia jumped up and down because he was once again hypnotized.

The elf continued a little below shoulder height.

"What do I do now?!" He thought, alarmed as his eyes were frenzied as he walked the entire length of her back, exposed in a sensual way.

His instinct made him turn his head in all directions as if seeking help, in that, he saw a cat from the camp, the feline seemed to notice somehow how Fresnia's eyes were nailed to his neck and he turned his torso to be able to see the young man insolently straight into the eyes.

The cat woke up and then began to knead the piece of fur where he had previously taken a nap.

He didn't know why he was doing it, but he began to imitate the movements of the cat's feet. He thought after a moment he heard the purring of a cat somewhere in the large store... It was Gruñila.

"You're good, go on."

So did Fresnia, however, unlike the other time his eyes stopped moving nervously and a smile he didn't know he had curved his delicate, rosy lips almost sensually, was no longer just doing a favor to the woman under him, now he too enjoyed it with a joy he had never experienced before.

More and more electric shocks ran down his entire spine, but he no longer cared, in fact, he wished that feeling would continue. It felt as if some part of his young body was being whipped and he wanted more and more of that delicious torture.

Gruñilda felt satisfied and extended her muscular arm to one side without changing her position. Fresnia returned to reality again, but now another vision demanded her full attention.

Like a majestic finished pillar that hoped to be erect, so did Gruñilda's arm look like. A limb that was capable of destroying any orc, dwarf or elf, but now looked not only feminine, but also desirable.

"What a beautiful column," Thought Fresnia as he saw the powerful limb and again his eyes were lost in sensations and desires that caused his eyes to stop focusing on the image before him.

Once again, the sensual smile on the young man's lips made an appearance. He wanted to throw himself at that arm, he wanted to embrace it, to wrap his delicate arms around her powerful arm, his legs curled around it, to kiss and even lick those fingers. Become a cat wrapped around a ball of yarn and let himself be carried away by its playful and other more primitive and carnal instincts.

Gruñilda change of posture and Fresnia, as self-absorbed as he was, could not react as he should and fell to the ground, where he regained full consciousness.

"Thanks Fresnia, I don't think my right shoulder will hurt by tomorrow."

"Oh, yeah, sure, I'll..."

"Are you all right?"

"Yes! Please let me help you tomorrow too!"

The huge orc smiled at the elf, a smile that could intimidate anyone but at the time contained no malice whatsoever and for some reason was understood by Fresnia.

Gruñilda put her hand on the young man's long hair and began to caress him as if he were a cat, in fact Fresnia put on a face and smile that nothing had to envy a regal pussycat and he was not surprised that he had purred at that moment of how happy he was.

"All right, I hope you try your best tomorrow."

"Mmmm!" Nodded the prince with his face lit up along with sparkling eyes that could not wait to see a new day begin.

Fresnia grabbed the cat and said goodbye to Gruñilda.

Back in his little tent he offered the kitty cat some warm milk. The cat drank with pleasure and Fresnia fell asleep when he saw him, a sweet smile shining on his face.




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