The impossible shot

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Chapter 32: The impossible shot


He wore a formal gala according to the tastes of his parents, he had also let the maids bathe, perfume and comb his hair, all to discuss with his parents the serious news that Gruñilda gave him regarding the orc war horde that would soon devastate the kingdom of the elves.

As expected, Fresnia's studied discourse fell on deaf ears, there was no way to convince the monarchs of the kingdom of the veracity of the words of one whom the two adults considered to be hardly superior to a dangerous beast.

"My son," said Sinutar, the king, "it is obvious that this valuable information, as you call it, is nothing more than a ploy to cloud our judgment and delay the departure of our knights."

"But my lord father, everything I said is true, there is no reason to believe that it is a trick."

"The army will not delay its march to crush this plague that has been bothering us for a long time. My decision's already made, there's nothing you can tell me to change this."

"Fressnia," said Glaedes, his mother, this time, "the period when the life of that... creature was yours is over, now, as the laws of the kingdom command, we must proceed to its execution."

"My Queen, you are right.... The creature must die at the stake, it is what corresponds according to our holy laws, it is what they dictate for anyone who commits such daring acts in the sacred ceremony."

"Fresnia, once the creature has been executed, you must prepare yourself to carry out your sacred bond with the young woman we have appointed for you the next day."

A bonfire seemed to grow inside Fresnia, threatening to consume everything, however, the elf knew he would gain nothing by getting angry like last time, his beloved's life depended on him being able to control his character and think of an alternative solution, whatever it was.

"Father, my lord, if that is your final decision at least allow me a grace."

"What are you asking for, my son?"

"It's about the prisoner..."



Gruñilda again saw her young lover in front of her, this time however, the visit was not surreptitious, as his presence was formal.

"Release the prisoner from her chains and then come out, leave us alone."

"But my prince... I don't think it's convenient."

"I don't want any guards with me, or do you think I couldn't defend myself from any attack?"

"No, my lord, but..."

"Get out."

The guards had never seen their young prince that way, all martial and with a poise that would intimidate any great captain, so they gave in and released Gruñilda from her chains and then left Lofildius' heir alone with the orc.

" What's going on Fresnia?"

"Remember the escape plan? Maybe we should do it."

"Things went that wrong."

"Yes my love... I wanted to convince the king to commute your death sentence to life imprisonment, but it couldn't be."

"And what are the Elves planning to do with me? It'll be fun to see the limit of their imagination."

"Do not say that which is not funny... At first you were sentenced to die at the stake, but I managed to change your sentence... You will be executed by the best archer in the kingdom, that is good, so you will not suffer..."

"Who is that elf?"

"Me. I think the archery classes I took in the tribe along with the ones I took before I met you, refined my aim."

"Good, because the first time I saw you, you sucked at archery."

Fresnia smiled at this memory and without being able to bear it any longer, crying he went to kiss Gruñilda, who reciprocated.

"I'm so sorry, you don't know how sorry I am."

"Don't worry, I'd rather have an arrow than a bite from the flames, and if someone killed me, I'd rather it was you, Fresnia."

"Gruñilda, I..."

"No, I know what you are going to tell me and I forbid Fresnia.... You must live, survive the invasion of the Orcs and be a good king for your people, maybe then you will somehow get our races to get along."

"I'll... Okay, Gruñilda, I'll do as you say."

"I'm not asking you, Fresnia, it's an order from your warlord."

"Even if I disavow from your words at this moment my life, you know that I will do it... It is the honor of the Orcs."

"Yes, an orc can bark a lot, but in the end he always do his part."

"I know, I know."

They both kissed goodbye, the last kiss they would ever have in this life before standing next to one of the gods, if they did not first condemn their impossible love.



The morning was cooler than the others, that didn't matter to Fresnia, regardless of the cold or heat, his heart had to resemble a cold diamond imperturbable to what was happening around him. In his veins he must run not blood but ice, to keep his mind calm and thus give a pious end to his beloved.

The prince climbed the stairs and ascended until he reached what seemed to be a very large courtyard with a large grandstand on one side, where the kings and other high lords and important people could be found. At the other end of the courtyard, stripped of black pebbles, was Gruñilda, who had two powerful arms raised by a chain that was lost inside a column that was not covered in any relief.

The elf wore a martial attire that only exposed his bare arms, which firmly grabbed a bow and arrow with a point made of pure gold, a material not suitable for good aim, but that was the difficulty of the shot, it was an impossible shot to make. Once Fresnia failed, Gruñilda would be burnt alive.




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