Ashton's POV:
Luke gently picks me up and carries me to the nurses office with Josh and Clair trailing behind.
The nurse tells Luke to lay me down on the little bed in the corner of the room.
He sets me down just like he picked me up.
"Thank you." I say looking up at him.
"Anything for you." he tells me and gives me a peck on the cheek.
Clair rushes over to me with a worried look, "Are you ok?! What happened?!" She sits down beside me.
"When I left the cafeteria I wasn't paying attention and I ran into Brooke and fell. Then she got pissed and kicked me a few times in the face."I say making a few tears come out.
Clair gives me a hug and the nurse comes over with a wet towel and she wipes off my face. I yelp when she went over my nose.
Then she puts some ointment on my face on the areas that were cut. Next she just kinda stared at my nose,"It's broken, your nose is broken." She tell us. The nurse gets up and grabs a big bandage type thing and places it across my noes. "I will be right back, just stay there."
After she leaves the room Josh comes and sits next to me.
"Are you ok?" he asks.
"Yeah I guess." I say, we stare at each other again.
"Hey Josh can I speak to you outside?" Luke asks as we turn towards him.
Josh gets up and they walk out the door.
Luke's POV:
We walk out the school building and out to the court yard.
"Listen Josh, I don't know what you are trying to do, but stay away from Ashton." I tell him.
"You can't tell me what to do. Ashton is one of my friends and I don't want you to hurt her. So why don't you leave her alone." he says back.
"Just shut the fuck up and go ride your bicycle. She is my girlfriend now and only I know what's best for her." he is really getting on my nerves.
Then he throws punches at my face, "SHUT UP! YOU DOUCHE BAG!" He yells as I fall to the ground.
Josh's POV:
I finally got irritated and started punching him, and he quickly fell to the ground.
The bell rang and everyone came outside including Ashton.
As she found out what was going on, she stood there with her jaw dropped.
"Josh what the hell did you do?!" she yells at me, and starts running towards our way.
She sits down next to Luke and places his head on her lap.
"Luke, Luke?! Luke wake up!" she says trying to shake him awake, I must've knocked him out.
She looks up at me with tears streaming down her face, she then gently placed his head back on the ground an stood up in front of me.
"How could you?! The only guy who loves me and my only boyfriend and you decide to knock him out?!" She yells at me.
"Ashton listen he doe-" I start but she quickly stops me.
"No, how did I ever become friends with you? You really are a bad person. Just stay away from me and my friends, I never want to see you again!" she yells at me again.
I was shocked at what she just said, I looked down at the ground and quietly say, "I'm sorry." so that only the two of us could hear.
"GO AWAY!" she yells back.
I slowly turn around and start walking away. I look up at the crowd of people and they are staring at me and shaking their heads an flipping me off.
I finally get on my bike and start driving back home.
I drove for maybe about 10 minutes and drove half way through an intersection when I white F150 comes right at me. I fly through the air and land on my back with the air knocked out of me. Before I blacked out I said one last thing
"I really am a bad person."
Hey guys and gals sorry for the late update but I hope this chapter made up for it :)

The New Girl
Roman pour AdolescentsAshton Arkson is the new girl in California. She lives with her mother and little sister, Macy. She soon makes a new friend, and forms a connection with the guy she least expected, along the way there's (as always) a mean popular girl who hurts Asht...