Double The Love

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Grant pulled on his scrubs so he could be with LA whilst she gave birth to their twins. At the last ultrasound they had the doctor said that both babies were perfectly healthy, but Grant was still worried. He was worried about the twins and LA. That's probably because they were here, in the maternity ward, 3 whole weeks before LA's due date. Tina and Tom kept reassuring their son that everything will be fine, as Grant himself was born early.

"You can come in sir." The nurse told Grant, holding the door open for him.

Grant gave her a weak smile as he quickly entered the room, to find LA in there laying on a bed. She was ready to give birth. Grant hurried to her side and put his hand in hers. She turned to face him and they both smiled at each other. The smile however quickly wiped from LA's face as she felt a sharp pain run through her lower back and stomach. She let out a scream and lightly squeezed Grant's hand. Grant smiled at her rather well succeeded attempt at not hurting his hand.

"Honey, you can squeeze as hard as you like, even with both hands, it's not fair if only one of us feels pain, now is it?" He chuckled.

Agreeing, LA proceeded to grab his hand with her other one, and squeeze with all her might as she felt another contraction. Grant was put through a lot more pain this time, but he didn't feel it. Even if he had, he wouldn't have minded. He was far too happy to feel pain.

"Come on sweetie, you're doing brilliantly." Encouraged Grant as LA pushed again, screeching in pain.

"One more LA." Continued their OB.

LA gave one more strong, long, painful push, and the couple heard the most heavenly sound yet. The oldest twin's cry. LA continued to push a few more times before the youngest twin was born and let out a cry. That sound was possibly one of the most lovely sounds they had heard since hearing the heart beats for the first time. They were both smiling like idiots. LA had forgotten about all the pain she had felt throughout the 32 hours she had been in labour. The love for her children had taken over. Both new parents had decided, there and then, that this wouldn't be the last time they would be in this situation.

"You have a healthy baby boy and baby girl Mr and Mrs Gustin." Smiled the Midwife as she handed LA their new-born son and handed Grant their new-born daughter.

"Oh my god, they're so cute." Whispered LA as she smiled at her husband. They had been married for almost two years.

"Just perfect." Grant answered, kissing his wife and the twins.

The nurses took the twins to go and get cleaned up before they could meet the rest of the world, and left Grant and LA to decide on the names for the newest additions to their small family. A family that will definitely be growing.

"What do you think we should name them?" Asked LA eagerly.

"Well how about you pick our son's name and I'll pick our daughter's name?" Suggested Grant.

"Perfect!" Smiled LA.

Both of the first time parents mentally went through a list of names they both loved. Both gave each other a look as to say they both picked.

"You go first." Said LA.

"Grace Louise." Exclaimed Grant, very proud of his choice. "Now you go." Encouraged Grant, knowing LA's choice would most likely be better than his. Actually, it was going to definitely be better than his.

"Thomas Grant, or Tommy for short." She replied.

"Aww." He smiled.

"So it's decided. Grace Louise and Thomas Grant." LA said before smiling at her husband. They smiled at each other, and wrapped themselves into a long, loving hug. Breaking apart, then engaging straight into a passionate kiss, one that lasted until the very second that the nurse walked back in with baby Grace and baby Tommy in her arms, all cleaned up.

"Do you two have names?" She asked eagerly. The happy couple beamed at each other, and Grant nudged LA, as to say, "Go on! Say it!"

"Yeah, our son is called Thomas Grant Gustin." She grinned.

"And our daughter is called Grace Louise Gustin." Grant added.

"Welcome to the world, Thomas Grant and Grace Louise Gustin." Grant cooed, when he and LA were handed their children by the nurse. The nurse went to register the twins' birth, as the newly formed family bonded.

Thomas Grant Gustin Jr, born Friday 6th November 2020 at 19:21.

Grace Louise Gustin, born Friday 6th November 2020 at 19:26.

LA and Grant's family made their way into the room as they got the go ahead to do so.

"Look how cute they are!" Exclaimed Grace, Grant's sister, and Louise, LA's sister, at the same time.

"Can we hold them?" Asked Grant's mother, as both her and Grant's father smiled at their grandchildren.

"Of course you can." Replied LA as her and Grant handed the twins to their grandparents.

"What are their names?" Jon, LA's brother, asked.

"Our son's name is Thomas Grant Gustin. Tommy for short." Exclaimed Grant.

"Another one of you? Is the world ready?" Tyler joked, hugging his younger brother.

"And our daughter's name is...Grace Louise Gustin." LA added.

"Really?" Both of their sisters asked with tears forming in their eyes.

"Yes. You're our sisters and have helped out so much throughout the entire pregnancy. LA and I decided that it would be a great idea to name her after you both."

"I love you both and the twins." Grace said whilst crying whilst Tina handed her niece to her and held her close.

"If you have another son, you better name him after me and Tyler!" Jon Exclaimed and everyone laughed.

"We will." LA replied whilst laughing.

The twins slowly opened their eyes and Tommy smiled and everyone was greeted by their beautiful green eyes. Tommy looked exactly like his father but Grace looked like both of them. Everyone cooed over them. The twins were the definition of perfect.

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