Just Take It Off

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"Cassie Bell, I hate you!" LA moaned as she took her hand to help her out of the yellow NYC cab. He tight blue dress and heels weren't really practical for movement but she did look good.

She had promised her a good night out, just the two of them, seeing as they hadn't been out together for ages. Actually LA hadn't been out properly in the past two months; not since she found her last boyfriend Jayden cheating on her with a guy. Every person she ever went out with was either selfish, vain or didn't really care about LA in the long run. She'd been fed up of relationships and her break from boys had turned into a break from any kind of social life.

Cassie has nagged her. Louise has nagged her. Joyce, Jon, Madison...all of them had been telling her for the past few weeks, "LA come out with us." "LA please, it'll be fun!" "Seriously, girl you need to get some."

"LA, it'll be fun. I promise!" Cassie answered, glaring at her friend as she let go of her hand as soon as her feet touched the pavement, leaving her teetering in her black heels. "Does this look like the face of a woman who wanted to be brought to a frickin' strip club?" She answered angrily. She leant against the outside wall of the nightclub, folding her arms; its garnish flashing lights and pictures were not want she really wanted.

"LA, look I'm sorry, if you really don't want to stay, we can go home but you've been moving around the apartment for two months now, you needed to get out, get drunk and have some fun with little ol' me." She said charmingly.

She raised an eyebrow at her but didn't say anything. She was still a little pissed off with Cassie for dragging her out anyway when America's Next Top Model was on tonight but she had a point.

"Just be glad it was me who dragged you out and not Joyce or Madi." She said again, grinning at her.

LA couldn't help but laugh. She had a point; if Joyce or Madi had gotten a hold of her, the most likely situation was she would end up completely smashed off her face and having sex with a random stranger. Which as not something LA Thoma did...apart from the one time it did happen. She blamed Madi for that though.

"Fine. You're buying me a drink first though." She rolled her eyes at Cassie.

"Deal." She linked her arm through hers and dragged her inside.


Once LA had gotten a vodka and coke inside her, she had lightened up a little bit, actually finding that she was enjoying herself, the club wasn't as tacky as previous clubs she had been to and the music was decent.

She and Cassie has gotten a table in the centre of the room; the could see the dance floor, the bar, the stage.

"So, where are the strippers then Cass?" LA asked jokingly.

However, almost as soon as the words left her mouth, the lights on the stage blew up and the rest of the room fell darker. Music began playing and LA internally yelled at herself. She wasn't even sure she wanted to witness this.

The first guy to appear was a brunette, average height, and immediately even tough his shirt was still on, LA could tell he was muscular. He began dancing, grinding his hips against nothing in particular winking at a few girls in the club who were practically melting under this guy's gaze. He moved to the right of the stage and second guy walked on, his hips swivelling.

He was attractive, but not really LA's type. He was tall, blonde but he looked like he was enjoying the attention far too much. He moved to the left side of the stage and he gave the brown-haired guy a small smile as they continued dancing.

LA began to take a sip of the drink in her hand when the third guy walked on. Upon which, she preceded to spit out the drink she just attempted to swallow.

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