Christmas Suprise

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"Thomas Grant Gustin! I told you to stop looking for it!" LA scolded her husband.

Grant made his way out of the closet, cleaning up the mess he made.

LA had her arms crossed as she watched Grant come out, "you've searched the kitchen, all the cabinets and drawers, the bedroom, and our closet. If it's not in any of those places, where else do you think it's going to be?"

"I don't know, because you won't tell me!" Grant exclaimed.

"That's because it's a surprise, Grant. Surprises are meant to be a secret."

Grant our his hands up in surrender. "Fine. I'll just wait until Wednesday to find out what it is."

"Good." LA said and kissed her husband.


Days passed and Grant surprisingly stopped looking for the gift. He just spent the days memorising his lines for the next episode of the Flash.

Finally, Christmas came. After they had eaten breakfast, they cuddled on the couch and Grant handed his wife a box with a bow.

"It's beautifully wrapped." She complimented as she opened the box. She looked inside and gasped, it was a beautiful silver bracelet that read 'G and L' on the outside and engraved on the inside was their wedding date, '12/15/18'.

She looked at the gift and then at Grant, "It's gorgeous, thank you." She leaned over and gave him a passionate kiss.

"You're welcome. Now where's mine?" He said jokingly.

LA hit him on the chest playfully, "Patience. Now, I didn't have time to wrap it so..." She got up from the couch and picked up an envelope from the desk.

"It's no silver bracelet but..." She handed him the envelope and let him open it.

Grant opened it and gasped, happy tears forming in his eyes, "Seriously?" Was all he said.

LA, also having tears of joy, just nodded. Grant smiled big and engulfed her in a huge hug, dropping the thing that was in the envelope.

In the envelope was a black and white picture that said, "Andrea Thoma-Gustin's sonogram."

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